Can This Possibly Be Real?

Grothesk's picture

Surfer: Teen Confronts Fear - Trailer (2018) | Movie Trailers

This is the trailer for the Christian movie entitled Surfer: Teen Confronts Fear.  I just...I can't...what?!

Average: 4.8 (4 votes)


Muchos Munchbagger's picture

Christians are real and this is generally what they produce. Shit art. Used to be the other way around pre-enlightenment period.  When art could only gain attention by working for the church.

Popes were the patrons and producers.

Thank god, art and entertainment doesnt work for god anymore.

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Muchos Munchbagger's picture

Also I'd like to append this:


thank you



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merlock's picture

The link has a > which makes the link not work. If you can edit it slightly to remove the extra > at the end, it would fix it.

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Grothesk's picture

Here it is embedded:


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merlock's picture

Cool! The embedded version is appreciated, although I imagine Hitchcock would be rolling in his grave seeing this! :P

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