(12 votes)
(Long Spike)
Tweet from 14 Jun 2016 --
Thank you to the LGBT community! I will fight for you while Hillary brings in more people that will threaten your freedoms and beliefs.
(Old Spike)
And what does that have to do with the price of eggs in China?
(Long Spike)
T in LGBT stands for transgender. Holy smokes, you really are dumb, aren't you? No wonder you have the capacity to support him as his failure become more apparent as days pass by. Keep on posting cringy memes made by middle-age men on reddit. It suits your face.
(Old Spike)
"T in LGBT stands for transgender. Holy smokes, you really are dumb, aren't you?"
No, I know that part fuck nuts. I don't understand why that quote has anything to do with his decision to undo the absurd policy forced onto the Military by Obama?
Care to explain?
(Old Spike)
I forgot to thank you for the extra salt in your response. Yum, tasty.
(Old Spike)
Just a note of clarification. The moniker of "LGBT" might include "Transgender". However, Transgenderism, more accurately known as Gender Identity Disorder, is nothing like the preceeding three adjectives.
Lesbian - Woman sexually attracted to other women.
Gay - Men sexually attracted to other men.
Bisexual - People who are sexually attracted to both men and women.
Notice these all have to do with sexual preferences.
Transgender - People afflicted with a mental disorder that hinders their ability to recognize, accept and live with their actual gender/sex as defined by their genes and sex organ.
One of these things is clearly not like the other. There are a long list of disabilities that disqulify people from serving in the military. The mental illness of gender identity disorder was one of them until Obama decided his leftist idology was more important that the proper fuctioning of the US Military. All Trump is doing is fixing Obama's fuck up.
Now your beef is with his promise to protect the Ts in LFBT. Well what does protect mean? It means to "keep safe from harm or injury." It would appear that by exempting them from military service, something that requires members to expose themselvse to harm or injury, he is in fact keeping people who suffer from that disorder safe from harm or injury.
Trump is keeping his promise, not breaking it.
(Long Spike)
Good doggy.
(Old Spike)
Not an argument.
(Long Spike)
Perhaps the T in LGBT should stand for Trump? I bet the buffoon's ego would love that and his cult followers would gobble it up with the might of their ignorance. Can't wait for more money to be wasted on defending this policy in court. Please do explain more about the semantics of your god emperor and what he meant when he wrote that he would fight for the LGBT community.
(Old Spike)
Still not an argument, just trying to change the subject and avoid defending your original position.
(Long Spike)
Being transgender is not a mental disorder. Not sure how you came up with such an idiotic point, but it holds no truth at all. You base your arguments on this premise, thus it all falls crumbling down. Gender Identity Disorder is the distress that people feel from the gender or sex ascribed to them after their birth and it normally goes away afte they transition to what they are comfortable with. No wonder you follow a man, who is well known to come up with stupid shit. Twisting meanings into ones that suit your bias holds no truth in the real world.
How is promising to fight for a group and then taking their rights away keeping a promise??
(Old Spike)
(Long Spike)
And that proves what exactly? Are you stating that all suicide is motivated by mental illness thus transgender people are mentally ill? Social reasons have to be taken into account. Could it be they are anomic suicides originating from a sense of disconnection from society and a feeling of not belonging? This whole gender debacle is caused by the impotence of the english language in accomodating the spectrum of genders. Anatomy/sex does not automatically equate to gender identity/expression.
Marxism is used as a paradigm to look at cases using class as a variable (mostly). Neo-marxism included race into this mix, as they thought that race determins class in the modern world. Could you please explain why you use these terms in this context?
(Old Spike)
The justification for a full transition is that it will heal the person's feeling of disconnection from society. After transition, the suicide rate of these persons is significantly higher than with the rest of the population. That is what I am stating.
Apparently you are not familiar with Dr. Jordan Peterson. Your idiotic statement about the English language not having an erection for 70 different gender pronouns extends directly out of postmodern neo-marxism, which has evolved from class struggle to the struggle of the oppressed vs. the oppressors, which definition of each based solely on the claimed authority of postmodern neo-marxists themselves. The fact that you seem not to comprehend where your beliefs come from is not a good sign. Your beliefs are an outgrowth of a malevolent ideology which, in its previous iterations, murdered almost 100 million people in the previous century.
(Long Spike)
Your statement is a misinterpretation of the study. You can google that yourself, as it took me no more than 10 minutes to find and read how the scientist of the study read the date and how this data was misinterpreted by certain people to suit their narratives. Big surprise that you got your information with a certain narrative. Or don't look into it. Not that you care that much about the truth anyhow.
I know Peterson. What of him? Is he the harbinger of truth? He is a social conservative, while I am not opposed to change; I am simply eager to implement it in an intelligent, ethical way. I am well aware that you have a habit of getting your information from a very limited amount of sources. More precisely finding sources that tell you what you want to hear and being intellectually lazy to look for anything else. It is evident that you don't know what marxism is and thus regurgitate it as a term to cushion yourself in your own ignorance. Marxism has always involved the struggle of oppressed vs. the oppressor (against the proletariat), so still am not sure what you are trying to get at. You use this term as a means to categorize and simplify. Kind of characteristic, don't you think? I never mentioned 70 genders, so I am not sure were you got that from. Wild guess -- from some talking head from youtube. Gender is a social construct and there are many cultures around the world which have languages that accommodate for other genders. Worldwide, the variety of gender expression is vast. I admit that I should not have narrowed it down to language alone.
So sociology is an outgrowth of communism? Good to know.
(Old Spike)
"The Study"? The Study? There have been countless studies of the nature of this condition over the past half century. The literature is extensive. You live in a bubble where you think the goal here is just to add a few terms to make people feel more comfortable so they will stop killing themselves. The goal here is to establish as law the notion that objective truth, scientific truth, societal norms and rational thought are tools of the oppressors in your marxist delusion. Your intentions are no doubt based on compassion, which is what makes you the perfect dupe for the introduction and promotion of a system of thought that will, undoubtedly, result in mass murder if it is allowed to progress to its natural conclusion. And you'll be standing there whispering (because if anyone in charge hears you, you're a dead man) "...but this isn't what I... I mean I never thought it would be like this...oh, yes sir, all power to the glorious marxist revolution, yes sir, oh my work duty for today? Yes I am white after all, and male, and of European ancestry. Thank you for allowing me to live...." Enjoy your utopia.
(Old Spike)
"I am well aware that you have a habit of getting your information from a very limited amount of sources. More precisely finding sources that tell you what you want to hear and being intellectually lazy to look for anything else."
LOL that sounds exactly like good old skepti. The more scientific the sources are the less likely he will not even look at them.
It is a waste of time to have any "deep" conversation with the twat unless his insecure and-or ignorant "winding like an eel" changing subject, diverting and avoiding answers amuses you. Usually starts in the second or 3rd reply or in the first when being pressed for a clear statement or if he is then ut of his depth already.
He also thinks his comments are so "important" that sometimes he prepares them in an external editor (most likely for days) -ADMIN: *insert chuckling gif here*
(Long Spike)
Yeah, biastoid seems to be a lost cause. I kind of feel sad for him, as he thinks that things can't change because he is too lazy to put time into learning and what makes it even worse he creates an illusion for himself that he is of a critical and open mind (see name).
I've noticed the same algorithm in his replies. Never touches on anything being discussed and just recites whatever memes he hears from his talking heads of youtube. Pretty much a milder version of fulldumbass.
(Old Spike)
(Old Spike)
(Long Spike)
How many casualties, how many dead?
(Old Spike)
(Short Spike)
^^^ So average citizens should not criticize the military then?
Get the fuck outta here with that shit!
Yurrrrrrr outta HEeeaaaaaaahhhh!
(Old Spike)
Weird, I didn't say that. You merely inferred it.
Inference is the building block of every good straw-man.
(Short Spike)
(Old Spike)
So by your logic, the next time a leftist tried to argue that Trump has no business giving HIS opinion on the Military because he never served, they can also "Get the fuck outta here with that shit!"
(Long Spike)
haha #feminazi
good troll kekbro
yummy yum sjw salt mines
(Short Spike)
Haha good troll bro on a troll bro
(Long Spike)
Mentally ill people should have guns
(Old Spike)
Are you talking about someone who had been "adjudicated as a mental defective OR have you ever been committed to a mental institution?"
There are mental illnesses that do not rise to that level and therefore would not preclude firearm ownship, in case you didn't know.
(Short Spike)
(Short Spike)
(Long Spike)
What a dispicable President. Makes me want to fucking spit.
(Long Spike)
......or shit even.
(Old Spike)
Unless there's a very good reason that I'm missing, this just seems like some discriminatory bullshit.
(Long Spike)
It doesn't seem to have any rhyme or reason. I've seen a few knee jerk reaction articles stating that it's because he needs to rally his base due to what appears to be a few weeks of inaction. Now that Republicans have blown their toes off by failing to appeal Obamacare he needs to look like he's "doing" something.
(Long Spike)
(Old Spike)
Thank god someone is restoring order to the world. The fuck do you want fruitcake fucking trannies in the military for?? Fuck that shit. And pay for transexual surgery with tax money? Hell no. Keep your cock/vag & dress however you want just get a real job & don't expect others to pay for your fantasies.
(Long Spike)
I'm a kangaroo, Just waiting for advancement in tail.
(Long Spike)