How to kill a Tesla DIY

delt_osvp.'s picture

Tesla Service Gone Very Wrong

I forgot to add a description!

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Fullauto223cal's picture

Yep.  This is why ordinary non-wealthy non-hipster-fucks should never buy this Tesla bullshit.  It's a throw away vehicle that you drive until the battery pack turns to shit.  Then you buy the latest model and repeat.  It's the cell phone of vehicles that uses guilt to leverage sales.

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Dhagon's picture

I've been talking about the Cult of Tesla for years, it seems only recently people are starting to wake up to it. Not that long ago if you so much as mildly criticized the Wundercar and Tesla's half baked production plans you would get more shit than if you walked Downtown LA with a Trump hat on. Hell the ongoing Model 3 fiasco is bad enough but the fact that people were putting down deposits almost 2 years ago for a car that didn't even have the official specs released speaks volumes about the brand. It is a PR machine and a minor religion for some people.

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backdraft's picture
Beta TesterDiscord userImage gallery

The hype is the only thing that's keeping Tesla afloat.  WIthout these rich early adaptors  the price would never come down and no new better tech would be developed. 

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ninjzz3.0's picture     =

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danmanjones's picture

"Hey Billy can you squeeze a fresh lime into my soda water, please"

Can someone translate? I don't speak ghetto.

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thegent's picture
Discord user

hes all over the place this lad..shouldnt have gone near it if he didnt fully understand what he was doing..

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Dude's picture
front pageLe roi de Belgique

if it aint broken don't fix it

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