If it walks, swims, crawls or flies

sal9000's picture

You guess what is this?

I forgot to add a description!

Average: 3.7 (7 votes)


danmanjones's picture

Chinese are hardcore when it comes to food. Anything in China that's organic & can be chewed + swallowed is food.

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lawngnome's picture

They. Have. No. Chill.

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hell_viper1's picture
Beta Tester

Ate a snake and a scorpion when I was in China from a night market.


Scorprion was no problem and tasted good (go for this one if you want to impress people + enjoy it)


Snake was fucking horrible and literally had to choke it down

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scruples's picture

Was it your first time choking down a snake?

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hell_viper1's picture
Beta Tester

First time choking on one

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hellyeah's picture

Gerelateerde afbeelding

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Violetninja420's picture
Beta Tester

And people think all Scottish food was based on a dare...

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