"We asked if Dana will fire Conor as a result of the incident and he told us, "This is bigger than us firing him."
"According to Dana, law enforcement has told Conor his plane cannot take off from New York and leave the state.
McGregor has been instructed to turn himself into authorities as soon as possible ... and multiple people involved in the incident have vocalized that they plan on suing the Irishman"
(4 votes)
(Short Spike)
(Old Spike)
so the vid and the quotes are from tmz.com. the only thing that is mine is the title but i'll bite.
in one corner we got conor mcgregor, current featherweight champion that hasn't fought in the ufc since november 2016 and curently in the usa under a work visa.
in the other corner we have the DOJ(department of justice) who's been undertaking a training regiment of terms like Destruction of property, Assault with a Weapon, Assault with intent to cause bodily harm, Assault Causing Bodily Harm, Aggravated Assault and possibly Aggravated felony, if any of those happen land, it's lights out, it's gonna send conor all the way back home and not be able to even enter the country again
2 fighters from this weekend might be fucked. one was sent to the hospital but says he will still fight and the other was taken off this weekends ufc.
bus driver is guarentied a civil suit and cops dont need people to press charges if they got video.
(Old Spike)
(Old Spike)
17 months holding the title without defending it then he pulls this shit the day before Max fights Khabib?
So many levels of stupid.
Dana's disgusted with him. Here's his statement:
(Long Spike)
So this is what happens to your brain after Mayweather punches you in the face a couple hundred times.
(Old Spike)
View from inside the bus
(Old Spike)
See kids, too much Burger King will do this too you.
And by Burger King I mean cocaine.
(Old Spike)
here we go
"Conor McGregor just surrendered to authorities in connection with the bus attack at Barclays Center ... TMZ Sports has learned.
As we previously reported, cops wanted to speak with Conor after he threw a dolly into a bus which was carrying several UFC fighters and staffers, Multiple people were injured in the attack -- included fighter Michael Chiesa ... who was hospitalized with lacerations to the face.
Sources tell us Conor has been charged with 2 counts of misdemeanor assault and one count of felony criminal mischief.
We're told one assault charge is for the injuries to Chiesa's face ... and the other is for allegedly punching someone in the face several times.
We're told the criminal mischief charge is for the damages to the bus, which amounts to approximately $8,000.
TMZ Sports obtained video showing Conor attacking the bus -- so he really has no defense"
(Old Spike)
"Bus attack" as if he blew up a bus or drove it into a crowd. He threw a dolly at the window! Idiot move, but not exactly worthy of mass hysteria.
(Old Spike)
3 fights have been cancelled as a result
(Old Spike)
THAT'S where he's going to get smacked - in the pocketbook with death star lawsuits. LOL Maybe he fought that boxer just so he could make enough money to do things like this, but no it's probably the cocaine.
(Old Spike)
The scariest one seems to be from the UFC official that was on the bus & went to hospital with a hand injury, maybe a broken knuckle. He said on Twitter that he "feared for his life". Could be setting up for a major lawsuit.
(Old Spike)
Check this shit out, from 6:17
Khabib's not one for drama but those eyes man .... "Send me message... Location... I gonna come.." Holy shit haha.
(Old Spike)
Khabib team's instagram just posted this:
(Old Spike)
Holloway medically unfit to fight. Plan is to fight Pettis v Khabib
(Old Spike)
This whole shit is FUBAR
(Old Spike)
Hell yeah. Apparently Pettis asked for a mil & Dana said no so at this point I think Al laquinta is in negotiations.
Even if Khabib fights Pettis or Al laquinta he's fighting a guy ranked either #10 or #11 to win the title. That's makes even less sense than Tony's interim title fight with #7 Kevin Lee.
It's not like Tony or Khabib don't deserve their titles but this LW division is a joke, mostly thanks to UFC bending over backwards to accommodate that crazy Irishman. He should never have been alllowed to take so much time off without being stripped.
(Old Spike)
It's wierd. The guy who seems to be the prosecutor reads out the list of things Conor did but he says (@ 4:20) that he threw a chair through the window when it's obviously a dolly. Pretty big difference. I wonder if he even saw the video.
(Old Spike)
It's official. Khabib will face Al laquinta for the title. If Al laquinta wins (LOL) he will not get the belt because he weighed in at 155.2 lb
(Old Spike)
Just in case anyone scrolls down this far...
(Long Spike)
Hah, this is fantastic!
(Short Spike)
so this.....
(Old Spike)