Emergency Goalie in Chicago

Pulpgimp1's picture

Emergency goalie steals the show in Chicago

36yr old accountant plays goalie for the Chicago Blackhawks

Average: 4.9 (21 votes)


SirDraq's picture

So glad he did well, what a great story. Bet his parents had tears runnin down their face watching him.

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borgpunx's picture

Unfortunately, they didn't.  They abandoned him when he was 14, after getting hooked on methamphetamines, and their whereabouts have not been known since.

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Woodsman's picture

Who didn't vote this a 5?!

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Cahu's picture

Pointing your fingers at others...that makes you suspect #1 Mr... Woodsman

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BENt's picture
Beta Tester

Shit, I just recently turned 36. That puts a nice damper on the day. Good for him though. 5/5

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