36yr old accountant plays goalie for the Chicago Blackhawks
Average: 4.9(21 votes)
SirDraq (Member)
So glad he did well, what a great story. Bet his parents had tears runnin down their face watching him.
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borgpunx (Short Spike)
Unfortunately, they didn't. They abandoned him when he was 14, after getting hooked on methamphetamines, and their whereabouts have not been known since.
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Woodsman (Old Spike)
Who didn't vote this a 5?!
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Cahu (Old Spike)
Pointing your fingers at others...that makes you suspect #1 Mr... Woodsman
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BENt (Old Spike)
Shit, I just recently turned 36. That puts a nice damper on the day. Good for him though. 5/5
So glad he did well, what a great story. Bet his parents had tears runnin down their face watching him.
(Short Spike)
Unfortunately, they didn't. They abandoned him when he was 14, after getting hooked on methamphetamines, and their whereabouts have not been known since.
(Old Spike)
Who didn't vote this a 5?!
(Old Spike)
Pointing your fingers at others...that makes you suspect #1 Mr... Woodsman
(Old Spike)
Shit, I just recently turned 36. That puts a nice damper on the day. Good for him though. 5/5