Btw, if this gets voted off it will just be appended to the latest Russia Russia Russia or Stormy Daniels pap post airlifted to the front page by the usual suspects.
(6 votes)
Btw, if this gets voted off it will just be appended to the latest Russia Russia Russia or Stormy Daniels pap post airlifted to the front page by the usual suspects.
(Long Spike)
I don't like to really keep track of it but my brother who handles all family investments (and has done so well, noone even questions it) has invested heavily in defense industry stocks for over a decade and has done incredibly well. I felt like a merchant of death when I bought a new car last year. He just told me that he grabbed a block the instant news of the alleged gas attack occurred and we have made out well with a good chance it will do even better. With the tax cut and more war, it's going to be a great year.
Jimmy Dore needs to shut the fuck up. There's blow, hookers, vacations, and a new pool at stake here.
(Old Spike)
Is it just me, or do you seem unnaturally invested in amplifying the narrative that has been used to pressure a new major conflict with Russia over the past two years? It's one thing to shrug, say "I dunno?" and wash your hands of it, but putting the amount of effort that you have expended into parroting this new war narrative smacks of genuine culpability - a real desire for it, or at the very least a stunningly callous disregard for the consequences of it. If Trump goes to war in Syria, your hopes and dreams for a humiliating ouster will drop exponentially. Doesn't that concern you?
(Long Spike)
? No way would I want a conflict with Russia. That would be bad for business. A major conflict with Russia means a nuclear exchange and millions of deaths including mine. The THREAT of war with Russia and proxy wars is good for business. Mo money Mo money Mo money. The middle east including Syria has too much possibility of a bad ending though. It's too much of a mess. I'm against it. Trump saying he wanted the U.S. out of Syria was good. Anyone would have to admit the timing of the alleged gas attack is sketchy.
(Old Spike)
Well it looks like he's being offered two choices here: Three more years of nonstop investigations and innuendo about Russia and probes into his personal life and pre-Presidential business life, or give us Hillary's war. Knowing Trump - because like almost all Presidents he's narcissistic - he cannot say no to an opportunity to "win" in exchange for everyone forgetting about Stormy Daniels and meetings with Russian lawyers. Nuts with even the most concrete of shells can be cracked, given enough leverage.
(Long Spike)
Oh, don't worry. It doesn't matter what happens, Mueller and the investigation into Trump isn't going away regardless of what happens. Research Mueller. He is a serious, methodical, Republican who is above reproach. It's actually hilarious that Mueller was a combat infantry marine risking his life while Trump was lying about his exploits on the bowling team. The money is being followed and the investigation is progressing exactly the way any effective investigation does. The truth is going to come out and Trump is having conniptions because he has always been able to avoid it.
The fact that Trumptards actually believe there was no link between Trump and Russia even with all of the evidence presented SO FAR like his son's meeting with representatives of Russia in his building, etc, is mind blowing but lets see how it all plays out before chanting "Vindicated!", "No collusion!", "Witch hunt!", etc, etc, etc.
(Old Spike)
Mueller was the guy who assured us in no uncertain terms that Saddam had WMDs and we had to invade Iraq because of that. So I wouldn't call him "Above reproach." I would call him an ally of neocons and neolibs hand-picked for the job he is currently doing.
(Long Spike)
Really? He testified that Iraq had and used WMDs. Absolute fact. He used them during the Iran-Iraq war. He said we "Had to invade Iraq because of that"? I didn't know he stated that. I believe it if I can see the source.
Yeah, he's one of those rare Republican neolib deep state allies.
(Old Spike)
No he said Iraq still had weapons of mass destruction to justify the last Iraq War. In fact you can watch him testify to it in person no less by simply clicking on the video you commented on without watching.
(Long Spike)
Mueller said they had weapons of mass destruction in that video? At what point? I missed it. I wouldn't be surprised. There was solid evidence that they had used them but I didn't see him say they should invade Iraq. You got Mueller though. He's the real bad guy here. The greatest president in history being smeared is a crime in itself.
(Old Spike)
"So you're saying Mueller is the real bad guy here and Trump, the greatest president in history, being smeared is a crime in itself."
You know that's what a little bitch does, right? And Geeze sorry Jimmy has been so rapid fire on point the past few days that it's all blending together - see your man above reproach leverage his stunning reputation to spin bullshit that killed hundreds of thousands of innocents at 13:20 below - then pretend like you've never seen it before (I dare you to say it was all Colin Powell's fault):
(Long Spike)
Go easy on fellating Jimmy Dore of all people. He's a fucking failed comedian zippy. I agree with some of his assertions but Jesus Christ, he's your new messiah? Give me a break. THAT is what a little bitch does. Suck off a failed comedian and push him like he knows all. His whole sudden change from a Young Turks pumper to now largely avoiding criticizing Trump has been remarkable but no more remarkable than your Jimmy Dore ball washing.
"Secretary Powell presented evidence that Iraq possessed WMDs......" I've seen that. How did he spin it and kill hundreds of thousands of people? His comment went off of the assertions of the Secretary of State who was wrong. Get out more and breathe some fresh air.
(Old Spike)
LOL What a little bitch : Getting down on your knees to suck the dicks of baby-killers because it's good for business....
(Long Spike)
Go easy on yourself. Medicate and get therapy.
(Long Spike)
"Is it just me, or do you seem unnaturally invested in amplifying the narrative that has been used to pressure a new major conflict with Russia over the past two years?"
What control does a private U.S. citizen, one on SpikedNation.com at that, have at having any affect upon whether or not we go to war?
(Old Spike)
What control? A Spiked National has control of themselves - they can at the very least stop embarrassing themselves by parroting a corporatist warmongering narrative and making this place a vector for death porn. Btw for those new here the compulsive posting of death porn is how we track donkeypunch from one iteration to the next - that and the juvenile nature of the trolling.
Groth whenever it looks like you're coming around on the issue of the MIC-backed sellouts pushing bullshit narratives to justify bullshit wars you fall back on "What can I do about it?" which is what you really meant right? Do you only try to affect the things you have direct and absolute control over? The fact is it's getting more difficult for them to sell it each time, but people are still waking up too slowly. They need to wake up more quickly. You want my advice - just stick with what you were saying before: Isn't it convenient that just when all the guns are pointed at Trump, including a fucking canon called "unambiguous humiliation", we're now all of a sudden focused on a war in Syria? Keep asking that question and make it all about Trump if you want. I don't care - just push against the narrative or at the very least don't give it oxygen.
There is NO greater issue of importance than the issue of undeclared, illegal wars fought solely to make the powerful even more powerful (and their stooges even more rich). THAT is the root of all evil right now. In my mind everything - EVERYTHING ELSE - pivots around it.
(Long Spike)
You are strange brew. What was it? Mommy and daddy didn't pay attention? Your priest was a little too close? Whatever happened, try medication and talk to someone. Broadcasting yourself on an internet site isn't doing wonders for you obviously.
(Old Spike)
I never mentioned you by name above - LOL THAT'S ODD. Triggered? Are you feeling a little sweaty under your republican collar? What was that reason you gave for hating Trump so much? Tell us all again about how he fucked over some friends of yours in a business deal. LOL - Tell us all why your parroting of red-scare bullshit that threatens to ignite a new bloodbath was about getting back at Trump for some ambiguous personal reason.
(Long Spike)
LOLOLOL See somebody. It can't hurt.
(Old Spike)
So you're saying your support for dead babies is a laughing matter?
(Long Spike)
(Long Spike)
"The fact is it's getting more difficult for them to sell it each time, but people are still waking up too slowly."
Yeah, it really worked for under Bush, eh?
Funny how Clinton was the "war hawk". I'd rather have a competant person in the WH who knows what the fuck the consequences of their actions are rather than this fuckin' idiot clown. But MAGA, build that wall, her e-mails, and Washington outsider and such.
(Old Spike)
i'd say at least half of those people were ANTI-globalists - and no there were not enough of them.
For all his tinfoil Alex Jones was at the head of that fucking parade! So was Phil Dohanue! The irony of Clinton being a "War Hawk" stems from what came before her - she'd give Bush a run for his money. If she had been elected I wouldn't be busting a vein right now - I'd have been doing that around January 2017, and right now we'd be talking about how things are going after a year of troops-on-the-ground war in Syria, assuming WWIII hadn't broken out by now.
(Long Spike)
Are you kidding? This image was literally on the front page of the New York Times and USA Today. You seem to think American citizens have some sort of power when it comes to acts of war and wartime activities. While the U.S. government would more than likely appreciate public buy in, they will still go ahead and do whatever the fuck they want to with or without any of our approval.
And Alex Jones was a legit nobody in 2004-2007. He only became well known due to his stupid ass Sandy Hook bullshit. You should also keep in mind that a broken clock is right twice a day...he's almost always been anti-government for as long as he's been on air so it's no surprise he'd criticize Bush for going to war...and it's not like Jones was at all interested in exposing truth...he was more interested in selling a hyped up story. I can't believe you would present Alex Jones to me as an actual journalist.
(Old Spike)
"While the U.S. government would more than likely appreciate public buy in, they will still go ahead and do whatever the fuck they want to with or without any of our approval."
Glad you agree - this understanding forms the backbone driving force behind every episode of the Alex Jones Show in the pre-Trump era (I hear he just sucks Trump's dick now), The Jimmy Dore show, Secular Talk, dozens of other alternative media orgs, every non-interventionist position from progressives to libertarians, the rise of both Pauls, Tulsi Gabbard and everyone else with a light switched on upstairs on this issue. And who pushes the legitimacy of the war that they go ahead and wage regardless of our approval? Every major television media outlet with few exceptions (Carlson being one of them right now for whatever reason). So now that we both agree on all of that, and knowing how important this issue is to me, it's pretty obvious to everyone what I like to do about it.
One thing you could do is try not to change the subject by sidestepping over to a long soliloquy on Alex Jones because I used his name ironically - we're not talking about who's anti-government we're talking about who's anti-war here. I said he was at the front of that parade. But you do know what the real issue is afterall, don't you - fucking journalism. You're right. And you thought "A journalist would have to be the one to really spark opposition to these wars, like it was with Vietnam. Alex Jones has always been anti-war but he's a fool he's no journalist."
That's right - there's a vacuum where the people who are supposed to be doing that "journalism" thing with respect to these wars aren't doing it, and instead Kyle Kulinski and Jimmy Dore and all the others but not Alex Jones - he's a Trump-apologist - are doing it for better or much worse. So given that we know that the people who should be doing the thing that has been proven to foil and even end pointless wars - that journalism thing - aren't doing it, and the people who are doing it aren't journalists, what do you think you should do?
(Long Spike)