Presstitutes Get Roasted


thrasymacus's picture

So shrill.  But that has to be a tough gig.

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daftcunt's picture
Discord userfront page

....and the pricktator again lacked the balls to attend.


More miss than hit on the jokes though, the whole Sanders part was a complete failure if you ask me (and I don't have a lot of time for this woman). Only very few women do good comedy, I don't know why, maybe it is genetic.

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sato's picture

holy crap this was awesome! loved how uncomfortable so much of it got, but she kept right on steaming ahead with it all. note the guy about 15:55 that tells his wife "that's enough".

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scruples's picture

"Flint still doesn't have clean water", fuckin' savage kick in the msm's collective balls.

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Grothesk's picture

I like how the party that uses the term "snowflakes" is bitching about this.  Grow some thicker skin, pussy Republicans. 

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