Mooch Circus Is Over

eh's picture

Anthony Scaramucci Resigns 7/31/17

Anthony Scaramucci, the White House press secretary for a week, resigned Monday. The short-lived Mooch circus is over while the Trump presidency clownshow continues.

Average: 3.7 (10 votes)


BabyDuckling's picture

You elect a clown and you end up with a circus in the white house.  haha Sean Spicer quit because Donald Trump picked Trump Jr.s best buddy to be Communications Director.  I wonder if Trump misses spicey?  And Scaramucci's wife filed for Divorce over him taking the job while she was 9 months pregnant.  At least he texted her when she gave birth:  “Congratulations, I’ll pray for our child,”.

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Fullauto223cal's picture

LOL.  Still better than Clinton.

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Pantysoaker's picture
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The only reason i voted for Trump is so crazy shit would happen. I am not disappointed :)

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Fullauto223cal's picture


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Muchos Munchbagger's picture

Everything seems impeachy keen over there

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BabyDuckling's picture

Whitehouse spokesperson Sarah Huckabee said Donald Trump found Scamucci's comments about Bannon "Very inappropriate".  She also said Trump has "100% confidence in the cabinet".

   Side note: Donald Trump at 8:30 this morning tweeted "there is no chaos in the WH"

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Fullauto223cal's picture

Still better than Clinton.

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ekimchua's picture

Image result for clown trump

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Fullauto223cal's picture

Yes, even the Joker would have been better than Clinton.  At least everyone knows what they're getting, as opposed to voting for someone simply because they have a old crusty vagina and something-somthing glass ceiling.

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eh's picture

Not everyone knew what they were getting. Unless you mean everyone knew they were getting a president who is a pathological liar suffering from narcissistic personality disorder, a completely inept president with no basic grasp of what the office entails, a president with obvious signs of beyond-early onset dementia with the Twitter skills of a grade school girl who governs through his idiotic Twitter rants while putting together a revolving cabinet of dolts who are actually sharper than he is-as insane as that fact sounds. No, not everyone was aware that Trump's continuous bullshit would result in the most embarrassing and pathetic administration in U.S. history even if his supporters bought into his cons and are even now without the ability to comprehend they are just suckers unwilling/unable to admit that they were just more in the long list of people who have been easy marks for Trump's ploys.

Wait for the tax plan for the rich coming up. It will be beautiful because the benefits for the rich that were in the "beautiful,, wonderful, fantastic, health plan that you'll all love" that failed will now have to be lumped into the tax cuts for the wealthy. I wonder who will bear the brunt of the cuts in the plan? Not me. This shitshow has a lot more to play out. The comedy of it all adds at least some level of humor but seeing just how pathetic Trump is while he Tweets how he is the best president since Lincoln barely draws that giggle of embarrassment for him that anyone with above a 75 IQ can possibly give him.

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ekimchua's picture


Image result for shovel meme


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Fullauto223cal's picture

Keep crying.

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daftcunt's picture
Discord userfront page

Quite the opposite. With trump no one knew what they (we actually) were getting. Clinton was pretty clear cut. 

With trump we still don't know what we are dealing with (or up against).

This indcisiveness and flip floping is a sign of weak leadeship in combination with an insecure person in charge whos pettiness may bite some of us in the arse one day.

Greetings from "pickles".....

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Grothesk's picture

What a circus.  There's more turnover in the White House than there is at an Outback Steakhouse.

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Fullauto223cal's picture

I know, isn't it great!

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Grothesk's picture

No.  I'm watching Game of Thrones for my entertainment.  I recently watched and enjoyed Wonder Woman.  I don't need a circus joke in the White House while people are actually affected.  

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Pantysoaker's picture
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anyone who relys on the government to better their quality of life deserves to be fucked over


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Muchos Munchbagger's picture

"anyone who relys on the government to better their quality of life deserves to be fucked over"


^ The true Rousseau rebel speaketh:

So go fuck off and live out in the bush then.

Stop using taxable resources to rely on your quality of life genius.


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Pantysoaker's picture
front page

I dont mind the bush but most of the girls i have sex with are shaved. I wouldnt mind the 80's making a comeback tho :)

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Muchos Munchbagger's picture
Haha good troll bro Haha Pussies on women Haha
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daftcunt's picture
Discord userfront page

In the german press they said he was fired

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BabyDuckling's picture

BOSTON — Harvard Law School apologized Monday after its new alumni directory erroneously listed ousted White House communications director Anthony Scaramucci as dead.

The directory included an asterisk next to Scaramucci's name indicating that he had been reported dead since the previous edition was released in 2011.

"Regrettably, there is an error in the Harvard Law School alumni directory in the listing for Anthony Scaramucci," Harvard Law spokeswoman Michelle Deakin said in a statement. "We offer our sincere apologies to Mr. Scaramucci. The error will be corrected in subsequent editions."


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