Kanye is the answer. He jess don't know what duh question is.
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skeptoid (Old Spike)
Tried to bring you guys Scott Adams. Maybe he's only digestible when embedded in a Mouthy Boudha video.
Ozmen - "It was like watching a movie." Some idiot just walked through the new page and one-starred all of the best videos.
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Ozmen (Long Spike)
Life, if constructed from given sources, is much like a movie. Scripted by people long dead or so far removed that we don't necessarily know of their existance.
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skeptoid (Old Spike)
Yes but it made me think of your preferred theory that military sightings, etc., have likely been "shows" (possibly combined with electronic mind-altering tech) put on by Western intelligence to prop up the idea that aliens are here. For some reason. Well we often hear it described like "It was like watching a movie."
I've never been fully convinced these are aliens, or at least most of them. I've always been more partial to "this is our tech" but your "smoke and mirrors" theory is also intriguing.
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Ozmen (Long Spike)
Well, it's not really my theory but yes indeed.
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Grothesk (Long Spike)
25+ minute talking head videos are 2006.
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eh (Long Spike)
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skeptoid (Old Spike)
Which means a hip normal person like you would just move along - they wouldn't rate it, would they? You'll never stop seeing the rating system as a thoughtless curating system, will you? Retro talking head video coming up.
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eh (Long Spike)
I gave it a 5/5. Pretty funny shit.
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skeptoid (Old Spike)
Btw, the portion where Mouthy Boudha says shit about "...thinking in terms of energy, frequency and vibration" - that shit. He's using the language of the Souther California new age UFO cult movement - he's shamelessly pandering to them when he uses that language. He's going for the Corey Goode crowd - I have a documentary about these idiots if anyone is interested. I posted it once here already 9 months ago.
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Ozmen (Long Spike)
Try love? Oh Kanye, that's so... cute. Love itself cannot conquer the burden of generational conditioning. There needs to be a war of the mind for the soul of humanity. Love by itself will loose and thus humanity will loose.
The recent increase in government and media sanctioned attention on the 'UFO phenomena' only tells me that nations world wide are using psyops for some reason. Either to draw the attention of foreign powers in the hope that they'll think new technology is developed when in fact it's only a smokescreen or indeed it's a cover for new technology development. Or they're marketing schemes.
Not all answers are equally valid on the road to a golden age. After all, the road to hell is paved with golden intentions.
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puttefnask (Old Spike)
People will stop understanding eachother before everything becomes incomprehensible.
The amount of misinformation currently available greatly outnumbers any accurate historically scientifically recorded facts to such an extent that people will be born, and raised to adulthood in subcultures of parents and teachers who will only provide them with misinformation that they themselves believe to be true.
And as these children are allowed to engage freely online since adolesence without any critical oversight, the ever-advancing algorithms and now artificial intelligences are customizing search results, advertisements and content for an entire generation, by companies motivated by website and service activity, rather than providing correct answers. And those companies program that motivation into their services, using brain research and psychological studies in order to subconsciously take advantage of human being's predisposition to addiction from an early age.
And if every conspiracy that's too good to be true always wins out in search results, because people would rather watch those than the "boring truth", and if that choice actually restructures the news media accordingly which again is economically motivated to have better ratings, clicks, online activity, where would one find anything that even resembles truth?
Someone thinking critically and speaking freely would always appear the madman. The eccentric. Mean spirited.
Because the entire world wouldn't be able to engage in critical thinking, in actual fear of offending someone or even the delusion that it would somehow cause trauma to themselves.
And that's what the world has become.
A sad place for an artist.
And artists are problem solvers.
And when the entire world starts to look like a problem... how can you blame them for saying shit you don't like. It's not them, it's you. You're the problem. You're the obstacles to progress. And right now that crowd reacting like this mostly consists of "progressives".
I remember a time when crying outrage against proposterous statements were reserved for old cranky assholes and decadent overclass grandmothers who pretended that their children and grandchildren weren't the result of letting a sweaty erected penis push inside their slippery hairy cunts one drunken night several decades ago.
Who the hell taught them that?
In just two election cycles the Western electorate has gone from "an increasingly politically informed public" which Zbigniew Brzinski deemed a threat to globalism, to the most misinformed and spread out collection of subcultures with beliefs and convictions that didn't even exist a decade ago, willing to use physical force and censorship to get their ideas implemented.
Congrats Z-big. Mission accomplished.
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skeptoid (Old Spike)
ANTI-Globalization protests were massive only two decades ago - yes it's been a trip to watch them work their evil.
(Long Spike)
Kanye is the answer. He jess don't know what duh question is.
(Old Spike)
Tried to bring you guys Scott Adams. Maybe he's only digestible when embedded in a Mouthy Boudha video.
Ozmen - "It was like watching a movie." Some idiot just walked through the new page and one-starred all of the best videos.
(Long Spike)
Life, if constructed from given sources, is much like a movie. Scripted by people long dead or so far removed that we don't necessarily know of their existance.
(Old Spike)
Yes but it made me think of your preferred theory that military sightings, etc., have likely been "shows" (possibly combined with electronic mind-altering tech) put on by Western intelligence to prop up the idea that aliens are here. For some reason. Well we often hear it described like "It was like watching a movie."
I've never been fully convinced these are aliens, or at least most of them. I've always been more partial to "this is our tech" but your "smoke and mirrors" theory is also intriguing.
(Long Spike)
Well, it's not really my theory but yes indeed.
(Long Spike)
25+ minute talking head videos are 2006.
(Long Spike)
(Old Spike)
Which means a hip normal person like you would just move along - they wouldn't rate it, would they? You'll never stop seeing the rating system as a thoughtless curating system, will you? Retro talking head video coming up.
(Long Spike)
I gave it a 5/5. Pretty funny shit.
(Old Spike)
Btw, the portion where Mouthy Boudha says shit about "...thinking in terms of energy, frequency and vibration" - that shit. He's using the language of the Souther California new age UFO cult movement - he's shamelessly pandering to them when he uses that language. He's going for the Corey Goode crowd - I have a documentary about these idiots if anyone is interested. I posted it once here already 9 months ago.
(Long Spike)
Try love? Oh Kanye, that's so... cute. Love itself cannot conquer the burden of generational conditioning. There needs to be a war of the mind for the soul of humanity. Love by itself will loose and thus humanity will loose.
The recent increase in government and media sanctioned attention on the 'UFO phenomena' only tells me that nations world wide are using psyops for some reason. Either to draw the attention of foreign powers in the hope that they'll think new technology is developed when in fact it's only a smokescreen or indeed it's a cover for new technology development. Or they're marketing schemes.
Not all answers are equally valid on the road to a golden age. After all, the road to hell is paved with golden intentions.
(Old Spike)
People will stop understanding eachother before everything becomes incomprehensible.
The amount of misinformation currently available greatly outnumbers any accurate historically scientifically recorded facts to such an extent that people will be born, and raised to adulthood in subcultures of parents and teachers who will only provide them with misinformation that they themselves believe to be true.
And as these children are allowed to engage freely online since adolesence without any critical oversight, the ever-advancing algorithms and now artificial intelligences are customizing search results, advertisements and content for an entire generation, by companies motivated by website and service activity, rather than providing correct answers. And those companies program that motivation into their services, using brain research and psychological studies in order to subconsciously take advantage of human being's predisposition to addiction from an early age.
And if every conspiracy that's too good to be true always wins out in search results, because people would rather watch those than the "boring truth", and if that choice actually restructures the news media accordingly which again is economically motivated to have better ratings, clicks, online activity, where would one find anything that even resembles truth?
Someone thinking critically and speaking freely would always appear the madman. The eccentric. Mean spirited.
Because the entire world wouldn't be able to engage in critical thinking, in actual fear of offending someone or even the delusion that it would somehow cause trauma to themselves.
And that's what the world has become.
A sad place for an artist.
And artists are problem solvers.
And when the entire world starts to look like a problem... how can you blame them for saying shit you don't like. It's not them, it's you. You're the problem. You're the obstacles to progress. And right now that crowd reacting like this mostly consists of "progressives".
I remember a time when crying outrage against proposterous statements were reserved for old cranky assholes and decadent overclass grandmothers who pretended that their children and grandchildren weren't the result of letting a sweaty erected penis push inside their slippery hairy cunts one drunken night several decades ago.
Who the hell taught them that?
In just two election cycles the Western electorate has gone from "an increasingly politically informed public" which Zbigniew Brzinski deemed a threat to globalism, to the most misinformed and spread out collection of subcultures with beliefs and convictions that didn't even exist a decade ago, willing to use physical force and censorship to get their ideas implemented.
Congrats Z-big. Mission accomplished.
(Old Spike)
ANTI-Globalization protests were massive only two decades ago - yes it's been a trip to watch them work their evil.