July 22, 1946, Jerusalem. Irgun, a Zionist terrorist group, planted 350 kg bomb in the basement of the King David Hotel.
91 people were killed in the attack, including 13 British soldiers.
Revisionist Zionism, the ideology of Irgun, continues to this day under Israeli Prime Minister, Benjamin Netanyahu.
(3 votes)
(Old Spike)
News clip of the event
(Old Spike)
The title is a little misleading, isn' it? It's not much of a secret history if I can literally pull up the article about it on Wikipedia and a thousand other places.
(Old Spike)
Yeah. I dunno why they name it that. Maybe because the guy in the clip (Menachem Begin) who led the Irgun terrrorist goup became Israeli Prime Minister in 1977. Like pretty much every Israeli leader he was a prorminent terrorist but this is somehow kept secret from public consciousness.