...the original youtube description says something about Dave Mustaine crying over being fired from Metallica...which is complete bullshit...if anyone has any tears, its Lars...but regardless...this is still history...just thought i would share
(4 votes)
I wish Cliff was here too.
(Short Spike)
I've always liked Dave but man these guys and all of Metallica can really let their tampons fall out. It's like theraputic metal masterbation sometimes
(Old Spike)
Mustaine is a flake and its hard to work with flakes.
(Old Spike)
(Old Spike)
As much as I am a fan of megadeth and metallica I must say mustaine was a cancer that had to be removed. I am glad that he finally fell on his feet but metallica made the right decision.
(Long Spike)
This is such a shitty truth! .. If Dave wouldntve been fired, we wouldnt have Megadeth!..though not nearly even close to being as successful...what band truly is?