The Media's Blood Libel

Fullauto223cal's picture

The Media's Blood Libel | The Ben Shapiro Show Ep. 539

The media play propagandists for Hamas, Seattle passes the Amazon tax, and the Trump administration cracks down on leakers.

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danmanjones's picture

"media play propagandists for Hamas", "Hamas uses human shields", "blood libel against Jews"
Never go full Shapiro.

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scruples's picture

I have no idea what you're saying, other than never go full Shapiro.

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danmanjones's picture

just repeating some of his talking points to see how ridiculous they are. He pulled out the entire playbook

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Grothesk's picture

My old, decrepit face still breaks out into a leathery smile when I see that you are forced to once again side with religious nutbags, FullAutoGal.  It's very interesting to me how you claim to be an atheist but you still seem to fall into lockstep perfectly with Neocons and their evangelical, Zionist views based upon the Bobbul.

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