Hi all Nakey here,
If you haven’t already noticed we are going through some changes. It’s good to know about changes before they happen, and it’s really important to know that everybody goes through it. No matter where you live or what music you listen to it will eventually happen. Now, no two people are exactly alike or experience this is the same way.
See, when a young person hits a certain age they start to notice things. Like hair in places it’s never been before or your voice may become deeper. For some extra muscle mass is put on with a widening of the shoulders. For others fatty tissue deposits may form around the hips and you may begin to develop breasts.
Whatever happens remember Danthemanjones is here to help and He’ll be taking us to second base in no time.
For now the SpikedNation hosting arrangements have been taken care of and all went smoothly. Some adjustments to the site have been implemented such as:
- Comment widget
- Navigation bar on all relevant pages
- New styling
- And he’s even working on a, wait for it, new mobile menu!
There will be more to come shortly so stay tuned.
Please report any bugs you find on the forum here: spikednationcom-support
Lastly props and many thanks to Danthemanjones for the great work he’s done both now and in the future.
Nakey out!
(Short Spike)
Lets get a round a blowjobs for Danthemanjones!!
Fantastic work w000000
(Short Spike)
Great work man! Looks great!
(Short Spike)
I'm a 30 year old male and my breasts have started getting bigger. Is this normal Danthemanjones? Is it because I'm at a certain age?
(Old Spike)
I lolled at the for some breasts will grow. Whatever happens I'll like it. I'm that bitchy in real life that I don't need to bitch online.
(Old Spike)
Also can we make it so that the "View" link in the Track section for comment upvotes, actually takes you to the comment instead of a shitty-statistics-no-one-gives-a-fuck-about screen?
(Old Spike)
Good call. I'll add it to the TODO list.
Update: It wasn't possible at all to link to the comment so we just removed the link.
(Old Spike)
Well, this is awkward. Now the link just isn't there anymore. I guess "watch out what you wish for".
(Old Spike)
So you're the guy making all the awesome changes to the site? Fucking A man, keep up the good work.
BTW, Grothesk said I should ask you to unlock my ability to embed images and shit. Is that do able? I'm back working full time now so I'm only able to check in when I get home and would like to have the ability to use GIFs again.
(Site Administrator)
Try it now.
(Old Spike)
I can embed pics in the comments but not in the videos descriptions. Is that a different setting?
(Old Spike)
Yeah, a differt thing. We'll try to fix video submissions to more easily allow multiple videos/images in the future.
(Old Spike)
IT's all good, I figured out how to do it. You can't copy and paste like the old days because, I think, it attempts to upload the image to the site. As long as I embed and link to the off site image it works.
(Long Spike)
(Long Spike)
need to bring back the alien fleshlight ad to enhance the sites ambiance
(Old Spike)
Nice to see that progress is (and will be) made. Hope the complainers finally either start giving constructive criticism or shut the fuck up.
Thanks to those that make it happen!
(dumb cunt)
(Old Spike)
It appears you are speechless....
(Short Spike)
Can you move the video that is playng to the middle of the screeen?
(Old Spike)
Sure... Thanks for the suggestion. We may look at adding a button to stretch the first video to the full available width too.
(Short Spike)
Is there somewhere I can donate to the site?
(Site Administrator)
I asked him if its possible to make it so that we can embed from more sites besides youtube and he asked what I had in mind. You guys have any ideas?
(Old Spike)
facebook, bbc or other news sites
(Old Spike)
Facebook doesn't have embed abiltity on videos. BBC does but only for selected ones so it's not worth spending time on that.
We do have a feature in the works to embed tweets that retain their twtter look & functionality.
(Old Spike)
yeah, thought as much. Will have to keep on looking on yt for videos I see on fb.
(Site Moderator)
streamable.com and reddit videos would be nice
(Old Spike)
Chances are, if its not on YouTube its either strong nudity (Aka: Vimeo "Russian Photoshoots") or gore/violence (Aka: Liveleak Family Friendly Content)
I think those 3 sites should have us covered.
(Old Spike)
Hey guys, the site has been updated. Just a couple of small changes this week
- Front page mobile layout improved
- Side bar now hides on mobile - to see it just tilt your device to the side
- 2 of the content filters removed - nobody was clicking them & they cause visual glitch on mobile.
(Old Spike)
There still seems to e a glitch with the comments, but maybe my browser just jumps to the wrong comment box when pressing the reply button. in the recent Orville video I replied to napalm ok but before I tried to reply to grotesk and failed.
Would you think it's possible (easy) to create a "pop up editor"?
(Site Administrator)
Soon it will be a month since the big Mayweather vs McGregor fight and Napalm still has not paid or even spoken to me about his loss. Same with a guy from work who bet me $100, he avoids me like the plague.
(Old Spike)
What do you expect from an uneducated foulmouthed complainer?
EDIT: here the reply worked fine..... I'm just too dumb.
(Old Spike)
It might be possible but not easy. I'll look into it.
Update: It's actually quite difficult to hack into Drupal modules like that. I created a login popup which took over a day and still had outstanding issues so I'm reluctant to waste time on the comments unless more people report problems. I've not experienced a problem with commenting myself which makes it even harder to debug (you can't fix what you can't replicate).
(Short Spike)
Excuse me...
But how do I submit new content? I don't see an "insert youtube link" anymore.
(Long Spike)
Gothic, click "add content" on the right bar, choose "Video Submission", give it a title, then click the "Browse" link directly underneath, then add a description and click save at the bottom.
(Short Spike)
I dont get it, when i click the browse a window comes up with thumbnails of videos that are already submitted. How do I upload from YT?
(Old Spike)
if you were on a pc, you would click add content on the right. then video submission. on the white pagee that opens you would put the youtube url. if you instead click Archive in the top right. that will show you all the vids that have been posted
(Short Spike)
Please make a vid on how to do this, I cant find where to put the link
(Long Spike)
I can't make a video, but I can do a quick walk through:
1. Click "add content" at the very top right of the page.
2. Click "video submission" at the top left. (Note: "video submissions" with an "s" at the end of it doesn't work)
3. Input your title name.
4. Click the "Browse" button under the word "Media" and simply include the Youtube link.
5. Write a small description.
6. Hit "save" and you have successfully uploaded a video.
(Short Spike)
I think my browser doesnt show the "video submission at the top left"
(Old Spike)
(Short Spike)
im not getting that second screenshot you put. it goes strait to the third
(Old Spike)
i see. well i doubt its your browser. your also missing the Forum topic that pops up after you click add content
do this. move your mouse over the Add content link and right click, copy link location and past the link into the comment box. add content should direct to https://www.spikednation.com/node/add
(Short Spike)
Awsome new system that you have, Really simple and easy.
(Short Spike)
i think i got confused with this one
<blockquote class="imgur-embed-pub" lang="en" data-id="a/tEQrS"><a href="//imgur.com/tEQrS"></a></blockquote><script async src="//s.imgur.com/min/embed.js" charset="utf-8"></script>
, I still dont get that white pop up where i put the link, I can see the VideoSubmisions link.
(Site Administrator)
ok here's the deal, i thought we had fixed this stuff. you are a member and as a member cannot post videos. new additions to spiked are members untill such and such is triggered then you move on to spiker. i thought i had set this to members move on to spikers after a few hours but drupal gets updates every now and then blah blah blah. i'll take a look at it and see what i can do about fixing this for everyone.
for now i have bestowed upon you the title of spiker!
go forth my son and spike!
post videos, make comments, have heated arguments, and find meaning there is none.
(Long Spike)
Thank you for the help on this, Nakey! Delt-osvp has been with SpikedHumor for a long time.
(Short Spike)
Yeah, its been since 2005 and im still addicted as ever.
(Long Spike)
There needs to be a "Participate in discussion" link for the current poll, as of now you have to click on "older polls" then into the current poll to post a comment.
(Site Administrator)
Yup Dan knows about it and it's on the list of things to look at.
(Site Administrator)
Loving the enhancements, Nakey. Much obliged. And for those noticing hair where it's never been before...here, have a razor...and mind you, do be careful not to cut your tongue. ;-)
(Short Spike)
Fantastic work! I love seeing these new improvements!
(Long Spike)
I've been away the past few weeks, dealing with big life changes such as new home, job and whatnot. Loving the progress and look changes thusfar! I look forward to version uhh.. 3.5(?) in full working order. :) Thanks Dan, and much love to all of the other oldbies that still frequent the site like I do, even if I rarely have anything to say!
(Short Spike)
Anyone else just getting a blank front page? I can access videos through "Posts", and likely search, but none of the buttons for Top Rated/Recent/etc are there. I've disabled AdBlock, since it's the add-on I use, but no change.
Running this on desktop, Win10, Chrome.
(Old Spike)
yea. been like that for a few days. issues not on your side. hitting releod doesnt do anything you have to revisit the site. like click into the address bar and hit enter.
(Short Spike)
Dag yo! Can't believe I didn't consider a Ctrl+F5.... refresh from server for the win.
Thanks Sal.
(Short Spike)
The gifs!!! Dont forget the gifs, I need them for ummm.... research purposes.
(Short Spike)
(Long Spike)
great work man.
(Old Spike)
I must be blind just noticed this post... looking forward to seeing a NSFW section again.
(Site Moderator)
Can we get a fix on the posters font color? It used to be orange.
Same thing happened in the"posts" page. The number of new posts used to be highlighted orange. Where has all the orange gone?
(Old Spike)
Black is the new Orange
(Old Spike)
Edit: This is done. Orange is the new invisible.
(Site Moderator)
Hey, thanks man.
Have you looked into why switching between "Top rated" "Popular" and "Recent" videos is so glitchy?
(Old Spike)
Yeah, it's the nature of the code that make it quite slow. It works best if you're patient. Maybe in future I can look into making it a bit smoother & possibly faster.
(Old Spike)
The thing I love most (seriously) about the new site is the fact that when you post something it doesn't come up with an error anymore.
(Long Spike)
Just submitted a video, been a while. Very easy and clean. Nice work on cleaning that up. Also, I really like the picture in the comments section now too. You are Making Spikenation Great Again.
(Short Spike)
I feel like we need slightly more content on the front page, im content but i could use a bit more. Maybe one or two less for vote criteria?
(Site Moderator)
I agree, it's very hard to get submissions to the front page on the new site
(Old Spike)
you dont need the front page. everything goes to the recently added page.
(Short Spike)
Can you rename the module "Image Galleries" to "Weekly Image Galleries" and change the title of the posts to just the date? This will allow each entry to occupy only one line and allow more posts to show. Thanks.
(Old Spike)
Quick updates
- Voting fixed (I think, hard to be 100% certain since it's intermittent)
- Video size hack introduced to fix the small videos (recent module update shrunk them)
(Old Spike)
You are the fucking man!!!
(Old Spike)
I wish I could upvote you!
(Site Administrator)
guess next weeks poll will be : vote to see if it works :)
(Long Spike)
We need a previous page button.
If I've been gone for a few days and try to backtrack on "Recent videos" or even things like "users by points", I can't go that far back.
(Site Moderator)
I'd like this too. The track list is really short. Was very useful on the old spike site when you're trying to find some old post.
(Old Spike)
Thanks for spotting this.... there seems to be a probllem with the home page loading more videos - it's meant to load more when you get to the bottom of the page. It seems to have stopped working & needs to be fixed.
The Users By Points page should have more, I agree. I'll see what can be done there. Ditto for the Track page.
(Old Spike)
Latest updates:
Poll Results link now shows after you have voted so you can re-visit the latest poll page more easily after voting/commenting(Long Spike)
Awesome stuff!
(Site Moderator)
Noice. Thank you.
One thing I noticed. The votes don't show up (stars are all white) under the videos on the main and recently added page.
(Old Spike)
Oh right. Thanks, that's just been fixed.
(Old Spike)
Hey does anyone use "Filtered Text" or "Plain Text" format when adding comments?
I think these can be removed ... ?
(Site Administrator)
i never have, what does it do?
(Long Spike)
I actually always use them. I'm old school and I still use a href and img src and such.
(Old Spike)
Would you be happy with using the Source button within the editor or would you prefer we leave the Plain Text format as an option?
(Long Spike)
To be honest, I'm fairly certain I'm the only person who utilizes the rich-text, so whatever is more convenient for you guys. I would personally prefer to keep the Plain Text as an option, but not if it's too much of an inconvenience on the back end for you guys.
(Old Spike)
It's not an inconveneience on the back end, there are buttons to turn this stuff on & off.
I'm trying to make the commenting less needlessly complicated.
If we lock the Full HTML option in for everything you can still comment using raw html,, you'd just have to hit the Source button within the editor.
(Old Spike)
The key here is quality of work and smart comments. If we get rid of any text editing, just stick to well laid out fucking comments and the chance to add gifs or iframes via html code we should be in for one hell of a fucking ride FUCK FUCK FUCK FUCK FUCK FUCK
(Old Spike)
Latest updates (commenting tweaks):
(Short Spike)
Fantastic work man. You are knocking them out
(Old Spike)
(Long Spike)
We need Emojis. Emojis are so cool. *Sarcasm
On a side note, the Recent Videos goes back 123 pages
-Looking better Danman, thanks for putting in the time.
(Old Spike)
(Long Spike)
Admins, the user named SUPER FRIENDS has been creating harrassing posts at members by specifically naming them and accusing them of some horrendous stuff, all with the intent to troll. Other users in the past have been banned for such actions.
Video 1: https://www.spikednation.com/videos/fullauto-potential-terrorist
Video 2: https://www.spikednation.com/videos/skeptoids-child-dating-trumptards
(Old Spike)
Well, it was intense but short-lived - like an insane artillery barrage where all you can really do is get low and wait it out. Barring a return I guess this Friday's event is canceled.
Thanks for saying something.
(Long Spike)
Thank you very much, admins. Your response was quick and it was appropriate.
(Old Spike)
When i try to access 13 Russians Indicted For Aiding Trump
i get
Access denied
You are not authorized to access this page.
(Site Moderator)
Guess it was posted by SUPER FRIENDS and he got banned
(Old Spike)
It turns out SUPER FRIENDS...is not really a friend at all!
(Site Administrator)
yeah superfriends was erm, a cunt really. if you see someone shit posting let us know here or at mods@spikednation.com , we will check it out and take action if needed.
(Old Spike)
I wanna get rid of the instructions underneath where you type cmments. Since when do people need instructions for a bloody rich-text editor? I'll leave this comment herefor a while to see if anyone objects or whatever.
(Old Spike)
Maybe include them in a friendly hover pop up? like the "more information about..." link
(Short Spike)
I think the 8 ppl that have been visiting spiked for years and still do have got that down by now. You can safely remove it.
(Old Spike)
Apparently just 3?
(Old Spike)
anyway to have it that when you revisit a post, it doesn't count as another view?
(Old Spike)
I'll look into it. I just tested it by opening a video 20 times & it registered 20 more views.
(Old Spike)
Another problem, i have a video of rating 2.9 its not to bad but not that good and it made the front page, on the other side i have a video with rating 4.5 that is clearly better but posted at the wrong time so less votes.
So bottom line shitty vid makes it to front page good vid will not because it is lost at the bottom of newer posts kinda sucks ha...
(Long Spike)
A video hits the front page when it hits 10 votes. More than likely what happened is that your video that is currently at 2.9 had a middle of the road rating of 3.4 or so when it hit the front page, and then when it got to the front page a few more people voted it lower than a 3.0 which lowered its rating to a 2.9. Just because it drops below a 3.0 after it hits the front page doesn't mean it disappears.
Your 4.5 video probably has less than 10 votes as well.
(Old Spike)
Through a bit of social engineering you could get the votes, or the video promoted. Remember that Admin thread where you could put your link?
(Short Spike)
This is social engineering at its finest: You won't fucking believe how guilible people are (link)
(Old Spike)
Wow, I clicked the link and you wouldn't believe what happened next!
(Long Spike)
Quick notification: just a few days ago the "Recent Content" link had a cap put upon it of how many results you could view. I can now see the 25 most recent comment responses and video submissions. I believe that this makes it so that I miss a lot of conversation and video submissions.
Is there any way for me as a user to change it so I see the 50, 75, or 100 most recent comment responses and video submissions?
(Old Spike)
Wow, you're good. Second that.
(Old Spike)
The best I can do is increase it from 25 to 50 or 100 or something.
Edit: It's been boosted to 150
(Long Spike)
I appreciate it very much. I feel like I was missing out on interaction and video uploads because they went off the page, even after me being off the site for 24 hours. Thank you!
(Old Spike)
Trying to hack spiked, any help?
(Site Administrator)
np, sent you an email :)
(Old Spike)
Don't forget to write a recap of your personal conversation
(Short Spike)
Please post your conversation in the text box below, so I can review and critque it accordingly.
Thank you
(Old Spike)
Submission content links are now underlined, finally.
(Old Spike)
Finally, you say, what a dear chap you turned out to be Mr. Jones, a fine man indeed. I propose we all join in a big round of applause, maybe later we can enjoy some tennis and have good old Groth entertain us for the evening with some merry tales of yore.
(Old Spike)
Submitted content now displays the Block Quote content properly, eg.
(Old Spike)
Just enabled <video> tags in comments, eg.
(Long Spike)
Having an issue where it'll not keep me logged in when i'm browsing around, Like i'm a guest.
Can't comment or vote.
I usually open SN and line up all the newest content with "open in new tab".
Top right will have username blank, like I logged out, on all of the tabs.
Had this before and I can't remember who fixed it... Maybe just need to clear cookies...
^(Where's the other bug thread from when the new site first came in. The beta tester thread.
Thanks, you talented fuckers.
(Old Spike)
Have you tried restarting your router with your dick? One good wallop usually does it for me.
(Short Spike)
Mine usually wants 20 minutes of wallop.
(Short Spike)
Mine takes strokes
(Short Spike)
(Site Administrator)
(Old Spike)
Going to have another crack at this problem now. Wish me luck!
Update: It seems to be working much better after that update - I've only been logged out once since yesterday... I think clearing your cokies for this site could help if it's still happening a lot fo you.
(Short Spike)
Well, I'm not allowed to start new threads anywhere. I don't know if it's just me or if there are certain things you need to do in order to be able to participate in the forums. Can't message anyone about it, so I'm just going to leave this here. I'd love to contribute.
(Site Administrator)
hi there!
i see you're a member.
just made you a short spike.
try it now.
(Long Spike)
And here is 2,500 points.
Welcome to our wierd little corner of the internets.
(Old Spike)
Potential new feature - stay logged in for 30 days or until you logout
(Old Spike)
Well you're having a field day here. Community is dying though as far as I can tell, unless we either revamp the voting system, or we resurrect the gallery and the gif galleries
(Long Spike)
Don't join the " Don't need this site anymore " bandwagon just yet. I've been seeing new faces, many of the interuptors have lost steam, our back end is looking sexier, and our numbers aren't SCARY like they were in the "Oh shit this site was worth $80k and now it's $11k, because trolls and elephantitus of the ass ".
There are improvements being made all the time and this new site is layed out muuuch better. Thx all.
It just feels weird with no image gallery at the moment.
-I hope everything is okay with our friend VioletNinja?...
-The image Gallery could have 3-4 contributors with their own galleries, staggered through the week.
-Gifs need to come back, and we need to abandon news in our title and theme.
-Danman could probably use a sidekick, or two. To have a 2nd eye on things + polishing up...
-Communication has always been our weakness, but we are able to rally like we did many years ago in dire times.
(I'm sure forums will get a revamp soon)
-In the meantime. Get to know site analytics and how ads, ranking and site visibility works.
We just need to rally and press on.
(Old Spike)
There are 10+ posts per day coming through from a variety of people which is much better than it was 6 months ago.
Yeah a partner in crime for polishing up could be cool. I'm no designer but am not 100% happy with the design. I would have it darker & more minimal but I'm not sure if that's the right direction. I mostly work with graphic designers & just code so it's not really my thing to come up with cool designs.
I'd like to do is enhance the User pages to do a bunch of things eg.
- show any links & a bio on your page
- see a user's previous posts more easily from their page
- leave comments on a user's page
I made a start on the 'previous posts' part, thinking it might be easy but it's not at all unfortunately. It's all tucked away in crazy Drupalness (this is the only site I've worked on in Drupal). I'll have another whack at it at some point.
As for communicatin, Nakey suggested that we start a new thread & kill this one, now that the site is pretty stable. The new thread could be more focussed on where to take it from here.
(Site Administrator)
How long have we been without a new image gallery? Maybe you can help lighten the load and do it too? You got my vote on that idea if the other admins don't object.
(Site Administrator)
Hi all, nakey here!
Well this is quite the scroll and so colourful with pretty pictures, gifs and light hearted banter. However it’s getting a little long and i think it’s time to bring this to an end. Fear not the content will remain, you just won’t be able to add anything after this and look there to the right! A new announcement!
Yes behold nationals a new sandpit that’s piss free. Always remember that together we can change that.
Go, play.