Disclaimer: This is not a smear & I don't support any religion. I've just noticed excessive levels of ignorance around this "Tommy Robinson" business.
The network that "Tommy Robinson" goes well beyond Rebel Media and is far less 'grass roots' than people realise.
Guy pictured in top-left is Frank Gaffney. As head of the Neocon think tank Center for Security Policy & associate of President Trump, Gaffney wields a lot of power in Washington. He's also done loads of TV interviews on mainstream US corporate media incl CNN & Fox.
Gaffney is also a conspiracy theorist who believed Obama was a secret Muslim & that Sharia was going to take over the United States.
And, of course, Gaffney is a "steadfast friend of Israel". Pamella Geller (pictured next to Frank) is a close associate of Gaffney's and has been a real mover & shaker in the anti-Muslim scene.
(Old Spike)
Note to American Spikers: UK freedom of speech is nothing like it is in the US. UK freedom of speech has a number of exceptions including threatening or abusive words or behaviour intending or likely to cause harassment, alarm or distress or cause a breach of the peace (which has been used to prohibit racist speech targeted at individuals). In UK the cops can't even swear at people.
As for the legal side................
Quot from the judge when "Tommy" was sentenced for the same thing last year:
This year's judge:
"Tommy's" defense was based on ignorance of the facts. #journalism:
(Old Spike)
So then they don't have freedom of speech.
(Old Spike)
Not like America, no. The UK Bill Of Rights only protects freedom of speech for people in parliament.
Freedom of speech is most heavily protected for citizens of the US, as far as I know. It's a concept that's been made popular by American influence. Freedom of the press is a different issue and neither UK nor US has a very high ranking for that (45th & 48th in the world).
(Short Spike)
Why do they wear Israel flags at his rallys and he is wearing a Israel ,idf, Mossad shirt? Israel ,idf, Mossad are some kind of Brothers in Anti- Muslim-ism? I was told Israel not a ISIS type relious state laws are made for one religious group .I was told it was the only Democracy in the ME.
Zionist help anti muslim biggots can i pull the Anti Semetism card too?
(Old Spike)
LOL 1 star. People want to believe so badly that this guy's a hero.
(Short Spike)
I got you
(Short Spike)
Bullshit gag laws. It is about feedom of the press and free speach.
The whole it might bias the jury if they read a newspaper article about the case is bullshit. If the jury has any kind of rationality it will stick to the facts and not become biased.
People shoul be able to form their own opinion about whatever they want be it a court case or something else .
A judge has no right to somehow force me to believe that the defendent is ether guilty or not based on his verdict because of the simple fact that there can be wrong decisions even in the best courts of law.
(Site Moderator)
Innocent until proven guilty... Nothing to do with freedom of speech or press, don't spew things against others until a decision is made by law.
(Long Spike)
Whoa, are you allowed back?
(Site Moderator)
Love you too grothy :)
(Old Spike)
(Old Spike)