Siamese Twin Sues Over Masturbation

sal9000's picture

Beija-Flor Domesticado

A set of 54-year-old conjoined twins from Michigan are facing each other in court, as one of the siblings is contesting his brother’s right to engage in sexual acts without his consent.

Alfred and Wilbert Peterson were born joined at the waist and facing each other, and spent their entire life this way.

They have two sets of arms and legs and their own hearts and stomachs but share a lower digestive tract and a penis.

This shared penis has become a major source of conflict between the twins over recent years, and Alfred is now going to court to keep his brother from masturbating.

“He keeps playing with our penis without my consent. That’s legally a sexual assault!”

Alfred says he is suffering from insomnia and from a post-traumatic syndrome after waking up at night on three occasions to catch his brother masturbating.

“I don’t want to sleep at night because I’m afraid he’s going to touch me.”

As for Wilbert, he claims he has done nothing wrong and insists that he has the legal right to masturbate.

He said he waited for his brother to be asleep because he knew he was against it didn’t want to disturb or shock him.

Wilbert's lawyer, Michael Gallagher, says this trial threatens not only his clien'ts basic human rights, but "the sexuality of all conjoined twins".

Wilbert’s lawyer, Michael Gallagher, says this trial threatens not only his client’s basic human rights, but also “the sexuality of all conjoined twins”.

The two of them were facing each other in a specially adapted courtroom this morning in Flint, Michigan.

Dozens of reporters were present to cover this unusual case, which should clarify many legal issues concerning the sexuality of conjoined twins.

At the moment, the Michigan state law doesn’t include any guidelines for individuals sharing the same genital organs.

Across the U.S., the only state to have a law concerning the sexuality of conjoined twins is California, which passed a bill in 2011.


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ubershin's picture

how does one even find these type of videos

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Pulpgimp1's picture

Why not just let it off the leash and let the penis decide who its true owner is, like what they do in dog court?

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phanto's picture

What will they do if he refuses to stop? Put him in jail?

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thegent's picture
Discord user

fantastic comment sir..

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Nakey's picture
Beta Tester

that would be hilarious, one wakes up to find the other jerking off and is like "what are you do..." only to be cut off by orgasm. then get's shitty over it because they touched there own pee pee and starts beating the shit out of the other twin knocking him out.


then he has to clean up the mess.


i have other questions...

who holds there dick when they have to piss?

do they take turns?

what about taking a shit, who pushes? is it both?

do they split the bill or make eachother pay?

has the masturbater ever roofied the other then gone on a 3 day pornhub wanking spree?


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danmanjones's picture

Looking at the pic, I wonder which is the defendant o.O

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Woodsman's picture
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daftcunt's picture
Discord userfront page

Another good argument for medically induced abortion.

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blue_devil's picture

No matter how hard your life is, you can  always say: well at least i don't share a penis with someone else !!!

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GKhan's picture

And you think you got problems.

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sal9000's picture
front pageTantrums and Tiaras

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