"NAZI Regime" in Israel takes the despicable step of transmitting life saving technology to Iran. What a terrible State, how dare they.
(7 votes)
"NAZI Regime" in Israel takes the despicable step of transmitting life saving technology to Iran. What a terrible State, how dare they.
(Old Spike)
Why is he 'speaking to Iranians' in English with no subtitles?
Like Israel has any credibility to make a deal. This circus performer has just visited 3 countries in Europe lobbying or them to drop the Iran Deal.... the one thing guaranteeing that Iran isn't building nukes. Israel has been lobbying USA to bomb Iran for decades. A move that would cost the US dearly. They've been sided with al Qaeda in Syria, bombing the forces that the US is tacitly aligned with.
(Old Spike)
Why is he 'speaking to Iranians' in English with no subtitles?
Maybe you didn't watch the entire video, no surpurise. He says Israel is launching a farsi website with all the information.
Like Israel has any credibility to make a deal.
Your hatred is clouding your mind. He isn't proposing a deal. He's literally offering the technology as a good will gesture to the people of Iran.
the one thing guaranteeing that Iran isn't building nukes.
If you believe that, I have some awesome beachfront property to seel you in Montana. Iran maintained and continued their research into building nuclear weapons as is evidenced by their ability to spin up their enrichment plants ONE MONTH after the "deal" was squashed. The Iranian dictator is a fucking liar and Obama was stupid enough to believe his lies.
Israel has been lobbying USA to bomb Iran for decades.
Bomb Iran's nuke development sites, maybe. You say it like Israel wants the US to carpet bomb the people of Iran.
(Old Spike)
So the Israeli & US intelligence communities, along with the UN inspectors are all wrong in their assessments that Iran is not building nukes but FullAuto & Netanyahu are right. Makes perfect sense.
Why don't you do at least a cursory bit of research? You're supporting a guy whos goal it is to send your military into war with Iran. I bet you haven't got a clue what such a war looks like.
(Old Spike)
you can see how much contempt he has for them. other coutries give away this technology for free as a matter of course, inviting experts to come to their country to learn, or sending their own experts abroad to teach. it takes a special level of twisted morality to think this is somehow praiseworthy.
also his claims are bullshit. israel didn't invent drip systems, that happened in germany and australia before israel even existed. israel got most of their technology given to them in the first few years after israel was created, by countries sending experts to teach and equipment to set up, exactly the same thing this narcissist is trying to claim brownie points on.
(Short Spike)
In Iran as of 2012, an average of 27% of internet sites were blocked at a given time and as of 2013 almost 50% of the top 500 visited websites worldwide were blocked, including YouTube, Facebook, Twitter, Google Plus and SpikedNation.
The majority of people that this Prime Minister is appealing to do not have internet access and have never watched this video.
(Old Spike)
good points but that doesn't really say anything today. other countries technically censor nothing but either have so much control over the media that "undesirable" content never makes it into the hands of any more than a tiny majority of people, or (as is israel's case) they maintain large networks to vote content so far down that it never gets on any feeds higher than page 100, that it's no different from 90%+ censorship. with the second one i recently tried to find a news piece critical of israel that someone else was talking about, despite it being news from that day i had to click through to page 58 of news specifically from the middle east to find it.
(Old Spike)
It never ceases to amaze me the level of contempt on display for the only functioning democracy in the middle east. Thank fucking Christ the US exists to ally with Israel.
(Old Spike)
the only functioning democracy in the middle east
Lebanon is more similar to our countries. Israel is running an apartheid system & is nothing like a Western country. It deports most journalists & human rights activists when they arrive at the airport. What is it trying to hide?
(Short Spike)
loosing ARGUMENT red alert check Israel paid internet army play book ..
1.Anti Semitism
2.Anti Semitism
3.Anti Semitism
5.only functioning democracy in the middle east.
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