Fallout 76 E3 Trailer

sal9000's picture

Fallout 76 Trailer - E3 2018

I forgot to add a description!

Average: 3.8 (8 votes)


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PizzaBoi's picture

They're trying to milk that sweet, sweet World of Warcrack money

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sal9000's picture
front pageTantrums and Tiaras

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Ozmen's picture
Beta Tester

Online? So... multiplay? Unless the maps are the largest maps ever made to the point where you can walk for hours and literally not meet anyone then what's the point? To make another build/loot/pk fuckfest?


Still. If there's a pc release these motherfuckers have me by the wallet regardless.

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sato's picture

i'm betting and also i guess hoping that's kind of a hybrid single/multiplayer. quests everywhere you can do by yourself ignoring everyone around you, or team up if you wish. buy from npcs or other players. some areas are pvp but most aren't. maybe a settlement we can all build on but that occupies the same place for everybody on the map, as in you pass some point and it loads your settlement, though you can visit another's in the same place if you choose. would be fun to have the fallout game in general but with parties of specialized players, maybe kind of like wow though i haven't played it so don't really know for sure.

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fallout dark souls confirmed

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