There are plenty of crash videos but I've never seen one this bad where the accident victim looked like they died like this yet survived. Incredible.
It was a quiet scene at this toll plaza on Florida State Road 91, until a Cadillac slammed into a barrier, sending debris, and one of its passengers, flying. The unidentified 25-year-old man landed next to a car in the adjacent lane. The man miraculously survived, though the full extent of his injuries is unknown. The Florida Highway Patrol said the car's driver was cited for careless driving. The crash remains under investigation.
"Driver was cited for careless driving"............SHEESH.
(6 votes)
(Short Spike)
The passenger was already sleeping and the driver fell asleep at the wheel.
(Site Administrator)
(Long Spike)
LOL Gonzo
(Long Spike)
the barrier probably saved a toll worker's life. sadly, barrier can't stop every vehicle. i think the Oakland Bay Bridge uses a similar barrier and a box truck smashed it and a toll booth, killing the worker inside.
edit: i went on google maps and looked at the Oakland Bay Bridge toll station. the barrier looks smaller than the one in this vid.,-122.3137582,3a,75y,169.28h,57.79t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1sHVreEkCqoX7_xsfTzqUpnA!2e0!7i13312!8i6656