Gun Explosion Compilation

eh's picture

Gun explosion compilation

It happens. I hope it never happens to me. I love "I don't know but I no longer want to shoot."

Average: 4.6 (9 votes)


daftcunt's picture
Discord userfront page

that's what happens when you buy cheap american shit.

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Fullauto223cal's picture

We'll never know how shit the Spanish guns are because your government rulers forbid you from possessing them.

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daftcunt's picture
Discord userfront page

This is incorrect. I actually replied to your interesting shotgun post regarding this topic.

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Fullauto223cal's picture

Actually it is entirely correct.  I realize you want to cherry pick a few types of firearms and say "Hey look, we can own guns too!" when the reality is your choice of firearms, how many you own and how much ammo you have at one time is so limited that the idea of "gun ownership" in Spain may as well be a fucking joke.


Now I am about to pull my facts from Wikipedia and the anti-gun website so if they are wrong feel free to correct it but here we go.

  • Magazine capacity for semi-automatic centerfire rifles is limited to 4 rounds for sports shooting and 2 rounds for hunting; semi-automatic shotguns are limited to 3 rounds.
    • So no, you cannot possess nearly all the weapons shown in the video as Americans are not subject to these arbitrary and pointless handicaps.
  • Rifles chambered for certain "war calibres" are prohibited, such as .223/5.56 NATO and .50 cal. and Winchester 308 and 7.62x39 (AK round) is only permitted in bolt-action.
    • This means you cannot possess a real AR-15, AK-47, or HK-91 clone like I have.  These firearms are all semi-automatic in their standard configuration.

So have fun with your new shotgun, it's something I guess.  But don't expect me to believe you enjoy the same sort of liberties enjoyed by Americans.

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daftcunt's picture
Discord userfront page

Again you extrapolate your fetish* on others.


NONE of the guns you mentioned is what I need or want.


If I wanted to live in the free-est country in the world I lived in Germany where I can drive as fast as I like on the motorway. 


* fetish because I yet have to seerational arguments from the gun nuts.

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phanto's picture

Unsurprisingly a large number of them were people who did a shit job of reloading their own ammo. 

Except the last one, it was staged with someone else outside of the camera's field of view shooting the jug.

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thegent's picture
Discord user

last one looks set up to me but im no expert

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sli0701948's picture

Thank you! Now I will think of this everytime I shoot with my old Lee Einfield. Wish you a nice weekend too.

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