Fri, 2018-06-15 10:21 — sal9000 Porta-Potty Takes Flight During Heavy Winds In Colorado Video of Porta-Potty Takes Flight During Heavy Winds In Colorado I forgot to add a description! 4.44 Average: 4.4 (25 votes)
(Site Administrator)
there is only one music for this.
(Old Spike)
This is damn near perfectly timed for the takeoff!
(Long Spike)
perfect music choice 10/10
(Old Spike)
Wow. Perfect choice, 11/10. Just a slight delay on video and audio catches perfectly. You should actually edit it and upload it as a reply.
(Old Spike)
This happens when the fan hits the shitter.
(Long Spike)
Imagine innocently taking a dump in there and going for a shit bath ride like that? No thanks.
(Short Spike)