I couldnt talk much about my case but I did mention it a few times on SN, I think I submitted a few videos as well related to my arrest. Back in 2016 I was supporting the Souix who were protesting a pipeline being run under the Missouri river about a 1/4 mile north of their reservation. Within less than a week of my arrival I was falsely accused by an officer of trying to ram him police vehicle and push him into oncoming traffic(I tried to merge lanes in front of him going about 5mph). What was basically a case of contempt of cop and road/riod rage by the officer turned into a felony Reckless Endangerment. He would later concocted his story with other officers and worked out a plan to arrest me at a very large anti-thanksgiving day near the encampments. Without warning or a word said to me, 3 officers grabbed me, threw me down to the groun and 3 more jumped on me, kicking and kneeing and one grabbing my head by my hair and slamming it to the pavement. The officer that falsely accused me of running him off the road got into the mix at this time as well and exacted his revenge on me, giving me 3 knee strikes to my chest as hard as he could, then using a pressure point on my jaw. He would later claim I was reaching for a gun at this time while 6 officers were holding me down. Last week I had a 3 day jury trial, the prosecutor forgot they gave me the dashcam video from the officers vehicle and the officer forgot he recorded it, surprise motherfuckers :) I also had multiple angles of video of my arrest refuting every claim the officers made. I also testified and at one point the prosecutor asked the judge to tell me to stop talking so much as he wanted a simple yes or no answer, the state threw in the towel pretty fast but not before trying like hell to get the judge to not allow any and all of my videos to be shown to the jury.
(sounds retarded)
Court Update: One Water Protector Found Not Guilty – First Felony Jury Trial for NoDAPL Cases
On Friday, June 29, Aaron Dorn was found not guilty of Reckless Endangerment (Felony C) and Preventing Arrest or Discharge of other Duties (Felony C) by a 12-person jury in Morton County before Judge David Nelson. Judge Nelson dismissed Dorn’s Physical Obstruction of a Government Function Charge with a Rule 29 Motion for a Judgement of Acquittal following the completion of the state’s presentation. Aaron’s trial lasted two and half days with the jury deliberation occurring for fewer than three hours before reaching a decision.
On November 24th, 2016, following an anti-colonial Thanksgiving Day demonstration in Mandan, ND, Dorn was brutally arrested by an unidentified law enforcement officer, who emerged from an unmarked vehicle. Dorn was hospitalized due to the injuries sustained by police during his arrest.
ND Highway Patrol Trooper Michael Arndt accused Dorn of driving recklessly towards him while in a caravan of Water Protectors. Law enforcement allowed him to remain for the entire demonstration before approaching and placing him under arrest as people were dispersing from the event.
Aaron was represented by WPLC Pro Hac Vice attorney Burke Moore. In addition to Dorn himself, the defense presented the testimony of one witness, Marcello Kills The Enemy from the Rosebud Sioux tribe who traveled to testify on Aaron’s behalf. Four officers testified for the state.
Asked for comment, Aaron and Burke said the following: “It’s a step in the right direction that two very privileged people can strike a blow like this, but it’s a small victory compared the struggle that lies ahead, particularly for those Water Protectors who are in federal custody. We declare our solidarity with Red Fawn, Little Feather and Dion Ortiz, and ask that everyone do all that they can to stand with them.”
Photo (from left): Marcello Kills The Enemy, Lakota/Dine Water Protector and Defense Witness, Aaron Dorn and Burke Moore, Pro Hac Vice attorney.
(Old Spike)
Congrats man. Must be a relief to be cleared!
(Old Spike)
Cleared yes. But isn't there some civil rights attorney somewhere looking to make a buck off this at least? Stokkebye has the aqcuittal so now this seems like something the ACLU would still be useful for in terms of launching a lawsuit.
(Long Spike)
There's money in it if stokkebye is black. The race card might raise enough interest and chance of victory.
(Old Spike)
Pretty sure he's the guy next to Mr. Kills The Enemy in the pic above.
(sounds retarded)
Pretty fair to say so.
(Long Spike)
No WAY! At least be ambiguous on race.
Seriously, did the protest change anything-at least delay things?
(Long Spike)
I love when a side is confronted with video that shows them to be complete liars.
(sounds retarded)
When the trooper was watching the video and he looked at me, it was at that moment I knew he realized he made a big mistake, he knew he fucked up.
(Long Spike)
That must have been beautiful to see. That moment should be on video too.
(Long Spike)
I might not agree with the politics, but any stepping on of rights is BS. Well done mate, that's how you fight! Hope you remember that look for the rest of your life.
(Old Spike)
I know some people who went to the DAPL btw. Quite a long way to go from NZ. They almost got arrested at the local shopping mall - the cops were rounding up protestors there.
(sounds retarded)
Yeah, I think that was the day after I got arrested, Nov 25th. People that got arrested from the mall come into jail when I was there. We had people from all around the world coming there.
(Old Spike)
The issue is kinda complex, I never got my head around exactly what was going on with it. Something about the Army Corps holding rights to the land but with a caveat of the local tribe involvement. Do you know of any decent source of info on it? Or can you give me a summary of where it's at now?
(sounds retarded)
I was there for almost 4 months. The pipeline was to be laid less than a quarter mile north of the Sioux reservation and was set to be drilled under the Missouri River reservoir. The Souix took issue with that because if the pipeline leaked it would and still will destroy their only source of drinking water for their whole reservation and would be an environmental disaster. Combined with the fact that the government was barely watching over the pipeline company and letting them do whatever they want. The pipeline company found native burial site but didnt disclose the fact until after the pipeline was completed. They didnt even do an Environmental Impact Study for fuck sake. The pipeline company held public hearings at the city about 70 miles north and the Sioux felt they were not being heard and their concerns were not being addressed, so they started protesting and made encampments just outside their reservation on Army Corp land. "Congress shall pass no law abridging the right of the people to peaceably assemble on public land", well the sheriff department called in an army of police officers to force the protestors out of the way and beat them into submission, this is when the world took notice and came enmass. When the violence by the police escalated about 2-3000 military veterans showed up to protect and defend the protestors against police violence that's when Obama said he will order the EPA to perform an Environmental Impact Study and halt the construction, people left thinking it was over but the pipeline company never stopped construction and it was completed in the springtime and came online around July, 2017. When Trump got into office he canceled the EIS. By the time I got there there was no stopping the pipeline and to be honest if anyone thought they were going to stop it was delusional. I went there for the same reasons the vets did, to make a stand against police brutality and protect our right to protest.
(Old Spike)
Thanks for the rundown. Man things are crazy in the USA. It's a 1st world nation but operates like a banana republic sometimes.
(Old Spike)
not guilty isn't enough... where's your damages, and where are the felony assault charges on these officers?
come to think of it if they lied to the court isn't that also case-closed felony perjury and end of police career?