These guys believe space weather events are on the rise and are both predicting and preparing for what they believe will be an infrastructure-killing CME.
(20 votes)
These guys believe space weather events are on the rise and are both predicting and preparing for what they believe will be an infrastructure-killing CME.
(Short Spike)
The Bell outage is being blamed on a fibre cut in a vulnerable hub line.
"Space weather" does not appear to be related to this outage.
(Old Spike)
Every major outage during every solar event of the past few years has been blamed on everything from accidentally cut cables to squirrels getting into the equipment (that's been used multiple times). Then again, the guys who run this channel believe climate change is caused by the Sun much more than it is caused by people - in other words they are nazi scum. I wouldn't pay too much attention to them.
(Long Spike)
Of course there is a conspiracy when something does not fit your bias.That channel of yours, suspicious observers, is getting rekt in the comment section, give it a look.
Over the last 35 years the sun has shown a cooling trend. However global temperatures continue to increase. If the sun's energy is decreasing while the Earth is warming, then the sun can't be the main control of the temperature.
(Old Spike)
MIT Climate Scientist Dr. Richard Lindzen:
"Doubling CO2 involves a 2% perturbation to this budget. So do minor changes in clouds and other features, and such changes are common. In this complex multifactor system, what is the likelihood of the climate (which, itself, consists in many variables and not just globally averaged temperature anomaly) is controlled by this 2% perturbation in a single variable? Believing this is pretty close to believing in magic. Instead, you are told that it is believing in ‘science.’ Such a claim should be a tip-off that something is amiss. After all, science is a mode of inquiry rather than a belief structure."
"The accumulation of false and/or misleading claims is often referred to as the ‘overwhelming evidence’ for forthcoming catastrophe. Without these claims, one might legitimately ask whether there is any evidence at all."
(Long Spike)
This argument of his ignores the cooling effect of aerosols and the planet's thermal inertia.
Again you use a misinformed source that fits your bias of intellectual laziness. His arguments have been rebutted several times and you'd find that easily on the internet if you weren't, as before mentioned, intellectualy lazy. You are in denial of the the overwhelming evidence and accepted conclusions of experts. You pounce on any bit of information that might seem to contradict the consensus without applying even minimal research. There's no point in debating you, because the deciding factor for you is not evidence based -- it's always a conspiracy with you. It's not being "skeptikal", it's being an ignorant fool covered in tinfoil.
(Old Spike)
Like the MIT Climate Scientist is an ignorant fool covered in tinfoil? You can't see how you've been compromisd, can you?
(Long Spike)
You summed it up perfectly right there. You look at trivial things when making decisions (i.e. where a person works), while I look at the evidence presented (i.e. the actual evidence and arguments used). The guy's arguments have been rebutted time and time again, but you cling on to what makes to cozy in your ignorance. Good one, biastoid.
(Old Spike)
That guy is one of many who question what you call "evidence" which is not in fact evidence. The history of science is an upward, incremental climb driven by shattered consensus. I strongly suspect this is the case with the man-made climate change doomsday hopythesis to which so many inclined towards nihilism and materialism seem to have adhered to - it's a belief system that speaks to that mindset: You know, the world would be better off without people here and similar quasi-genocidal sentiments. I have looked at all of your "evidence" and do not find it to be at all compelling, but what do notice is how triggered people get when I say that and how they always seem to subscribe to the same general dogmatic belief system. When the "evidence" is so flimsly and speculative, I look at the behavior and words of those who have committed to the hypothesis and movement that lies behind it for indications of what's going on. You are perfect for this - thank you.
(Long Spike)
Again with your conspiracy without touching upon anything that I wrote, i.e. the cooling effect of aerosols and the planet's thermal inertia which is a rebuttal of his argument you presented. You might not be lazy, you might be inept is what I am starting to think. So stuck in your own head, that you can't see yourself talking to a mirror when you think you talk to others, biastoid.
(Old Spike)
As I can't submit a ROFL gif:
What is the scientific background for this?
Why is this a conspiracy and covered up by "real scientists"?
If these guys "believe" that the climate change is caused by the sun much more than by CO2 and other greenhouse gases then they have not understood the mechanics behind it.
But hey, as long as they believe it strong enough and it fits your agenda this is better than real science!
(Old Spike)
It's not my agenda, but as fringe channels go Suspicious Observers is well-respected and frequently, quite frequently actually, references mainstream published scientific papers. You should check them out, assuming you aren't concerned about a clash with your agenda. You do notice that giant ball of thermonuclear fusion up in the sky every day right? And it never gives you doubt about your carbon religion, not even for a second?
(Old Spike)
You're a twat and a coward. I don't have an agenda. At least not on this topic.
I don't have any children and I don't have reason to believe I will be reborn to experience the mess we left behind, I also don't believe I will have to justify my before a creator once I am dead. So for me it is actually COMPLETELY irrelevant what will happen towards the end of the century. I am only interested in the scientific facts that are presented*.
Others, like fullauto, who has 2 or 3 offspring, should actually be concerned. But with him the right wing agenda does not permit this.
*Just so you know: I was actually a climate change skeptic up to a few years back (you could have found comments regarding this on the old site) but looking deeper into the matter changed my opinion. To those that like to scratch surfaces and don't want to dig deeper (or can't understand it) this will not happen.
(Site Moderator)
So you don't give a fuck about humanity's future since you don't have kids?
(Old Spike)
I did not say that at all. If you think that you have not read or understood my contributions onthe topic.
EDIT: I understand my answer could have been misleading, what I meant to say is:
"So for me to make up my mind about climate change these factors are actually COMPLETELY irrelevant as it will happen towards the end of the century".
(Site Moderator)
I don't see how I can interpret this any other way
"So for me it is actually COMPLETELY irrelevant what will happen towards the end of the century."
(Old Spike)
Your triggered insults aside, FullAuto would be much wiser to worry about the fact that 150 years ago the Sun sent something towards us that, were it to happen today, would kill hundreds of millions to possibly even billions of people. There would be 12-24 hours notice, if even that. Compare that to repeated dire predictions that have proven false over the past 20 years related to your "climate change science", which is really just a "bad weather's your fault" religion. Which ironically makes it nothing new - people hoping to prey on people's fears and maintain hegemony have been blaming bad weather on human behavior for most of recorded history and no doubt prior to that.
Rogan and Shapiro just did a podcast where they chuckled about how, contrary to Al Gore's science-backed prediction a decade ago, neither one of them was wearing SCUBA gear. This is the part where you lament "that fool Al Gore" for all the damage he's caused to the solid science of climate change. We can point out Tucker Carlson's evisceration of Bill Nye and I'm sure you'll comment on how Nye ain't the best guy to evangalize on this topic. The suggestion from you is always that, were YOU to be the guy talking and explaining, all of the confusion about climate change would go away. The questions are simple:
1) How fast will the climate be changing, how will it be changing, and what will the impact be?
2) If that question can be answered, how much of the climate change is attributable to human beings and how much to the other things (like the fucking Sun) that have always changed Earth's climate for the past 4 billion years?
3) If that question can be answered, what is the actual impact to human beings from the anthropomorphic portion of the cause?
4) If that question can be answered, what solutions or measures should we take, if any, to counteract the anthropomorphic threat to human quality of life intersected with economics?
I don't understand why, if the answers to all of these questions are clearly settled by science, no one is able to appear on the TV and simply provide these answers so we can all finally understand how this relates to top-down, oligarchical and authoritarian globalism. Perhaps you are the person everyone has been waiting for who can provide these answers and explain it to us?
(Old Spike)
You are a twat and acoward, this is a fact, no need for a trigger.
rogan and shapiro use the same argumentation that does crowder.
al gore is a dickhead that misrepresented scientific data in a similar way the other three above do, just in the other direction.
If you want answers you use scientific papers, magazines and the like and not blogs or "celebreties" of your liking.
The climate models have improved quite considerably over the years.
All these questions you ask have been addressed but of course surface scratchers and agenda steered people don't want to hear it.
Don't ask me to provide these answers to you. If you want to be educated on the science behind climate change or global warming watch the potholer54 video series on it, I will not put much effort into replies to you any more as you constantly divert, avoid, misquote, deliberately misunderstand etc. when you get outside your comfortzone, so no educated conversation with you is possible.
(Old Spike)
Four simple questions that neither you nor any spokesperson for the socalled "man-made" climate change crisis can answer. As usual, unable to respond intelligently you retreat. It's gross that for you science is just a rag that you jerk off into on a regular basis.
(Old Spike)
Again: these questions have been answered but if you insist on sourcing your information from crowder, rogan and shapiro you will not find them.
If put on the spot you will always bail out when confrtonted and insist on using "your own" language or that of you messiahs rather than the scientifically established terms, hence there is no scientifically intelligent conversation to be had with you.
(Old Spike)
Your standard response is always that the questions have been answered but you can't be bothered to provide them. You are such a fucking coward. You know that whatever references you provide will take me to a place where those questions are not answered.
(Old Spike)
Only 100-200 million? Pfft. I hope it wipes out a few billion.
(Site Moderator)
It's no conspiracy. You just don't hear it on the news.
(Old Spike)
Excellent reference. The Suspicious Observers dudes are in fact warning about an impending ice age. The factors they believe affect climate more than any others make intuitive sense to me, but many of the papers they point to are too technical for me to really judge in terms of merit. Rogan recently pointed out a comment from Randall Carlson that global warming is much more preferable to global cooling, by a wide margin.
(Site Moderator)
Suspicious observers is quite conservative with the ice age theory. He sticks with facts and doesn't jump to conclusions. Thats why I like the guy. If he says something, you can be pretty sure it's from a credible source and he is well versed in this stuff.
If your looking for a more vocal kinda guy Adapt 2030 is your guy. He has some interesting videos on climate that aren't reported by the mass media, such as crop losses that have been going this year due to cold weather. His theories on the impending ice age are kinda of on the alarmist side, so I would take it with a grain of.
(Old Spike)
this is "old news" current climate models actually take this into account.
(Site Moderator)
Can you point me to some references?
(Old Spike)
Go to the potholer54 yt channel. there is a lot of background info on there, in the video series about climate change the solar input is covered.
(Site Moderator)
Not sure where I'd even start to look for this in potholers videos. There's a ton of videos on his channel.
(Old Spike)
I would start with his series on climate change some 10 videos or so. Not political and thus no material for people with an agenda, though.
(Old Spike)
(Old Spike)
Do you read your own comments? The entire mainstream man-made climate change movement is politically-driven. You've got your cause and effect all ass-backwards. The politics funnels funds towards "scientists" driven by ideological and political motivations to make unfounded conclusions based on future-projected models that are repeatedly proven false. Dupes like you, who really only know that weilding the word "science" followed by a bunch of horseshit results, in your mind, in an easy, lazy victory, are the laughing stock of top-tier power-mongers. How ironic is it that you spread misinformation by invoking the word for a method designed to reveal material truth?
(Old Spike)
Dear biastoid:
Science does not have a political agenda.
People may use it for their agenda though, like al gore did.
Others completely misrepresent findings like the ones you mentioned and crowder is one of those too.
If you would look at the scientific papers - you have time, you are a long term unemployed twat suckling off the governments teat - you could find out yourself. But hey, you don't like it as it does not match your agenda and are too afraid to be wrong.
This is a shame really as you seem not to be the dumbest cunt on here. You just have the "problem" that you don't actually reply to what people say when it gets uncomfortable for you, you just wait to get your next point in.
I wonder if a verbal conversation is the same with you, I hate the dickheads that don't "converse" but only wait for the other person to stop talking in order to get their point accross again and again and again just because they are so insecure they fear the other person may have a point and being in error exposes a weakness.
You, young man are one of the illiterate of the 21st century, but don't worry you are not alone.
PS If you whould answer the questions that you were asked, maybe, just maybe, people would take you seriously enough to provide you with answers to your questions. But fear is too strong a force for that to happen.
(Old Spike)
Science does not have a political agenda - so why are you devoted to politically-driven nonsense. Believing Co2 controls the climate
"...is pretty close to believing in magic. Instead, you are told that it is believing in ‘science.’ Such a claim should be a tip-off that something is amiss. After all, science is a mode of inquiry rather than a belief structure.The accumulation of false and/or misleading claims is often referred to as the ‘overwhelming evidence’ for forthcoming catastrophe. Without these claims, one might legitimately ask whether there is any evidence at all."
-MIT Climate Scientist Dr. Richard Lindzen
Foolish dupes like you, who can't live without clinging to an absolutist religious dogma, are a dime a dozen.
(Old Spike)
Of course you would cling to the one voice that has a degree relaed to climate science (Richard Siegmund Lindzen (born February 8, 1940) is an American atmospheric physicist known for his work in the dynamics of the middle atmosphere, atmospheric tides, and ozone photochemistry. ), as do all the creationists with the few geologists that "believe" in a young created earth.
The man is complaining about the claims of current "climate science" but I have not seen any peer reviewed paper of him countering the current consensus on the topic. Maybe you can point me in the right direction as you suddenly seem to take an interest in scientific literature, at least in this field and of course only if it fits your bias.
In any case the current state of the scientific research is what we have, despite Lindzens critique (and complaining is alsonot helping this way or the other, it's just getting the attention of the agenda driven) the projected outcome is not very nice, to say the least, but it is what needs to be worked with. The scientists may have it (a little or maybe quie a bit) wrong (but if they don't?) of course, others are still tampering with the theory of evolution.....
Again, becausr you really don't seem to get it (as this again brings you out of your comfort zone):
THERE IS NOT REALLY AN "ABSOLUTE" IN SCIENCE! What is called a scientific theory (or fact) may still be subject to change. This change is then executed in a research and peer review process, not by some people complaining.
Oh and btw: science (calculations based on theoreties) brought "us" to the moon - and of course men with balls, it also brought us this environment in which we are conversing, and the double glazing in your windows, not agenda driven complaining!
(Old Spike)
I DO understand that there is no absolute in science, which is why I am grateful that you are finally copping to your dishonest representation of the subject and the field. You write CONSTANTLY as though said absolutism is a fact that skeptical people are "denying". Look at you qualifying and shucking and jiving all over the place above - I have little doubt that you will remain consistently arrogant as your position changes in the likely event that "climate science" turns the corner and starts to reel itself - you will act as though you were always skeptical, because for you it's about towing whatever line you think represents some elite intellectual consensus. This is all about your self-regard. LOL what a joke.
(Old Spike)
One thing is for CERTAIN: I NEVER EVER said that science is absolute. Some fields (like the nonexistnace of a personal god or gravity or evolution or that the dominance "theory" does not apply to domestic dogs) are so close to it that you (not "you" literally of course as you are a twat and a coward but the general you) could call it absolute.
With climate science it is of course a little more difficult as it is much, much newer but the claims of the blogs of those that you and the other uneducated (on the topic) twats use for their information on it are so ridiculous one can only laugh at you, Here we have to look at what the critics ACTUALLY have published and of course your sources have nothing to show for.
With regartd to chnging ones mind and having the balls to admit it:
I actually have done that on various topics, the most prominent and relevant would be climate change and dog education.
Should this be the case again with my opinion on climate change, then, hell, I don't have anything to lose or gain from it - other than losing the "debate" (which really isn't one) with some pompous twat on the internetz), which is NOT IMPORTANT.
(Old Spike)
Oh shit I missed your unemployed crack - I have been working as an independent investment consultant for the past four months. I am paid $250 per hour. You're a sad old man who seems to enjoy being taken for a ride by charlatans who really count on dupes like you. I feel sorry for you.
(Old Spike)
"I have been working as an independent investment consultant for the past four months. I am paid $250 per hour."
Oh, yes of course dear. And on the weekend you'll spend some quality time with your beautiful wife, perfect 2 kids and dog and make a trip to disney with your brand new tesla car.
(Old Spike)
You seriously don't believe me? I'll add that as another data point showing how poorly you are at discernment. I will NOT send you my LinkedIn profile nor tell you which Wall Street investment relations firms have me on call for consultant work. The pay is so high because the notice is very short - I typically have about 12 hours to prepare before the banker dudes want to chat. My specifc area of coverage is "DPI-based Carrier and Enterprise Network Technology and Investment". The pay is $250 per hour, and I was able to secure this type of employment by waiting a full year for the terms of my previous employment contract to expire and, having not signed on with a new tech company, I am now free to advise candidly. The pay also allows me a lot of free time to pursue my real interests. Things are good - no wife though: Been there, done that.
Still wondering why you haven't ever posted video of you walking and training 10+ dogs using your theories of dolphin neurochemistry - I think a lot of folks here would be interested to see that.
(Old Spike)
In this case I think you fall into the kdocit-eh / cockintheeye (the one that beats up the niggers) category of trying to compensate for you insecurity or whatever smallminded people need to make them feel important. I believe you just googled some related stuff to make you look educated.
If, however, you actually do this (and I don't know your qualifications) I suggest you make most of it as long as it lasts, bacause for surface scratchers these things don't last long.....
BTW qualifications: You still owe an answer on this one regarding dog trainers in canada, but the balls are just raisins, aren't they.
(Old Spike)
LOL - what a fucking twat.
(Old Spike)
Suspicious Observers uses scientific papers and the like as the foundation for their theories. I'm not going to be unbearable like you and suggest I know that they are correct, but what they put forward makes more sense to me than potholer54's YouTube channel. LOL
(Long Spike)
Global Warming by Man Made fossil fuels is acknowledged by the military.
AND THIS SHOULDNT EVEN BE A DEBATE. if your so fucking stupid that you want to mine coal instead of use rays from the sun and improve battery life, you are absolutely fucking lost and irrelavent.
"We shouldn't ditch morse code for that damn telephone, its too scratchy lets not invest in perfecting that technology!"
People like you literally retard the progress of civilization.
(Old Spike)
I am a huge advocate of alternative energy technologies - thus my issue with a religion posing as established and proven science designed to neglect investment in such technologies for investment in collective self-hatred.
(Long Spike)
By far the clearest, least agenda-driven analysis anywhere on the internet:
(Short Spike)
hey guys remember me?
(Old Spike)
Where the fuck have you been?
(Short Spike)
THE site doesn't support mobile phones. So I'm screwed
(Old Spike)
You don't have a standard smartphone? We'll have to take up a collection then. You should be able to get a used Samsung 5 or something for 50 bucks, maybe with a small crack on the screen.
(Short Spike)
Right, the Nokia 8100 that I used before could handle spikednation
(Old Spike)
so mobile andy is now library andy?
(Short Spike)
Pretty much, in the before time I was on spiked through muh phone 24/7. Now I generally can only go on and post when I bust out muh main computer and datz a fukin hassle MF
(Long Spike)
Yeah, but think of all the pleasantry that the rest of us are experiencing because of it. There's always two sides to every coin, Andrew Peterman.
(Old Spike)
I was actually considering sending him an old smartphone I don't use anyone, but now that I realize he's not posting essentially because of laziness I no longer feel motivated.
(Short Spike)
I have iPhone 6. But new SN doesn't support mobile at all
(Site Administrator)
Skeptoid I reached out to you. Check your spiked email when you have a sec.
(Old Spike)
talking him down from the ledge?
(Short Spike)
spiked is going to get a conspiracy section
(Short Spike)
You get stronger spider every time I see you