im only a part-time conspiracy theorist, so ..randomly searching whatevers on youtube, this kinda caught me off guard....
Average: 5(3 votes)
skeptoid (Old Spike)
I'll try and find it for you, but have you ever seen the press conference following the moon landing with the three astronauts? There's all kinds of fucked up signaling, elbow poking and whatnot indicative of something classified that Buzz and Neil are trying to step around.
Guy on the left of the panel should have been able to see stars all the time, as he was in orbit around the moon.
Unless the glare is intense and you have to be in complete dark and looking for them...?
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skeptoid (Old Spike)
Yeah that's the stuff I'm talking about. This is not the body language of men who have just triumphantly landed on the moon, completed their mission, and returned to Earth without anything spectacular happening. I believe they went to the moon and I think something was done there or something happened there that they weren't allowed to talk about.
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sal9000 (Old Spike)
for the most part. you don't see stars with the naked eye while in space. light is invisible until it reflex off something. for you to be able to "see" a star. you would have to be lucky enough to be looking in right spot for that photon of light thats been traveling for billions of years to enter your 7mm pupil. whereas on earth with have an atmosphere that acts like a lens to help see them.
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daftcunt (Old Spike)
Scientific facts? STFU, GTFO!
Important is what you BELIEVE!
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danmanjones (Old Spike)
why keep going there?
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lawngnome (Long Spike)
Oh boy, This'll be fun.
"We didn't go BACK there, and that's how it went" is what the old man meant to say. hah
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eh (Long Spike)
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danmanjones (Old Spike)
I'd love that sign at 1:23. It's awesome.
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eh (Long Spike)
I have to get that for my desk and judge reactions of first-time viewers.
(Old Spike)
I'll try and find it for you, but have you ever seen the press conference following the moon landing with the three astronauts? There's all kinds of fucked up signaling, elbow poking and whatnot indicative of something classified that Buzz and Neil are trying to step around.
(Long Spike)
Guy on the left of the panel should have been able to see stars all the time, as he was in orbit around the moon.
Unless the glare is intense and you have to be in complete dark and looking for them...?
(Old Spike)
Yeah that's the stuff I'm talking about. This is not the body language of men who have just triumphantly landed on the moon, completed their mission, and returned to Earth without anything spectacular happening. I believe they went to the moon and I think something was done there or something happened there that they weren't allowed to talk about.
(Old Spike)
for the most part. you don't see stars with the naked eye while in space. light is invisible until it reflex off something. for you to be able to "see" a star. you would have to be lucky enough to be looking in right spot for that photon of light thats been traveling for billions of years to enter your 7mm pupil. whereas on earth with have an atmosphere that acts like a lens to help see them.
(Old Spike)
Scientific facts? STFU, GTFO!
Important is what you BELIEVE!
(Old Spike)
why keep going there?
(Long Spike)
Oh boy, This'll be fun.
"We didn't go BACK there, and that's how it went" is what the old man meant to say. hah
(Long Spike)
(Old Spike)
I'd love that sign at 1:23. It's awesome.
(Long Spike)
I have to get that for my desk and judge reactions of first-time viewers.