What lives at the boddom of the Mariana trench?

NoToucH's picture

Who Lives At The Bottom Of The Mariana Trench?

This guy has got some pretty good other videos as well, check it out.

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Cahu's picture

Did I just read that it was the Russians that first discovered life in the Marian Trench? Is youtube being bombarded by Russian propaganda?

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Dude's picture
front pageLe roi de Belgique

that is wrong it where the Belgians

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beer420's picture

I fucking hate it when people say we know less about our ocean than outer space. Seriously. There's possibly an infinite number of oceans out there in space and you're telling me we know less about our ocean than those oceans. OK

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sato's picture

exactly. and even if those people were just talking about the 'space' between planets it still makes sense because we can see through it, unlike water. if water were completely transparent we'd know a lot more about the ocean.

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sato's picture

"unknown civilization" ...please. videos like this that start off with good information then dive into fantasy as if it's a natural continuation piss me off.

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