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Hope you enjoyed this weeks gallery! If you have pictures you wish to contribute, you can sign up and post them on the
forum. Link them on the Spiked
Facebook page. You can also e-mail them to me at Violetninja420@hotmail.com
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(Site Administrator)
(Old Spike)
(Short Spike)
So glad these are back! Keep em coming violet!
#49 is just the opinion of one (obviously) liberal woman in Colorado.
(Short Spike)
(Long Spike)
Probably said this before but you are why I come to Spiked, Violet. Marry me? I promise I do not have too many cats.
(Old Spike)
My favorite part of Spiked!
(Short Spike)
How isn't Mother Jones listed under Extreme Liberal Propaganda? It's the literary equivalent to horse shit.
(Old Spike)
Didn't quite recall how much I enjoyed popping a beer open, listening to Dada - Dorina and watching the new gallery
(Long Spike)
YES! A new bi-monthly gallery! SWEEEEEET!!!!