No, but you obviously still have your head up your ass and are fellating your dear leader even though so far, Mueller has filed charges against five American, one Dutch and 26 Russian nationals, along with three Russian businesses. Get a grip on reality.
In the 14 months since Robert S. Mueller III was appointed to oversee the investigation into possible links between the Trump campaign and Russian officials, he has issued more than 100criminal counts against 32 people and three companies. Of the 32 people, five — including three Trump associates — have pleaded guilty. Twenty-five are Russians accused of meddling in the 2016 presidential election.
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Fullauto223cal (Old Spike)
Head up my ass? You have a head with a brain and yet you willingly choose not to use it. This statement is completely out of context. If you listen to everything he said during the interview then you would understand what he said is 100% correct.
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eh (Long Spike)
Holy shit you are one fucked up character.
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daftcunt (Old Spike)
Truth isn't truth, of course the trumptards would agree.
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Panik (Short Spike)
Hey daftcunt. Do you know how the process of appeals, or common court procedures go? Or do you just throw trumptard in front of everything? Why you so mad? GDP is booming, historically high amount of minorities and women in cabinet positions, jobs are way way up, stock market is booming, tariffs are helping, what is the manufactured outrage today? He said something that hurt your feelings? Because everyone seems to be playing a game of semantics with each other and changing definitions of things to fit into their narrative. Both sides have their version of the "truth" and a jury selects which one is correct. Juliani was a lawyer, so he knows in court, the only thing that matters is the side of truth that gets the jury to agree with you.
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daftcunt (Old Spike)
I am not mad at all, I am enjoying myself.
In accordance with their bias' and agendas many sides have their own version of what is better or worse, not of the truth as such. Let me give you an example: "Trump instructed silencing payment to be made to Stormy Daniels." is either true or it is not. Whether or not this is ethically or legally of relevance may be under dispute. Same goes for court, if there is not sufficient proof no one can really tell what is true or what isn't hence when in doubt it is ruled in favour of the accused.
A trumptard is someone who does not care what it is, for them everything trump does is great. They of course would embrace Giuliani's comment about truth, although quite a few wouldn't even be able to spell his name correctly.....
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Panik (Short Spike)
1.) Who the fuck cares how to spell his name? Does that further your argument? Does that prove your point, that you can spell or something? You have Zero facts to support any of what you claim.
2.) As I have posted before, I hated him just like everyone else when he was elected. But guess what, I am also a grown ass man, that can call a spade a spade, without giving into every emotion I feel. Facts>Emotions. Or are you the liberal type, where we need to explore how you got hurt and be sensitve, and go on sjw crusades?
3.)SHE TOOK THE MONEY, ALL SHE WOULD HAVE HAD TO DO, if he was really what people are saying, is say no, and testify? But guess what? She took it to keep her mouth shut. hahahaha. No one blames her? No one talks about how she gave consent. Who cares who he fucks? Bill Clinton had sex numerous times, in the OVAL OFFICE. But I guess thats ok, and to rape two women, yeah thats cool. You people are fucking stupid. Justify rape, but down a policy or administration because your feels tell you to. hahaha
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daftcunt (Old Spike)
WOW, it took you half a year to come up with this? Let's see (I´ll take your point references):
Those that want to make precise statements care. If you think because you are illiterate and support trump (at least now) you would automatically qualify as a trumptard then you have not understood my comment (and my definition of "trumptard"). And, boy, that was really not that complicated.
The offended ARS (alt right snowflake, that's you, btw) calls me emotional on the issue. This is hillarious, are you a sock account off fullauto or purgetheflask? I must say I am quite emotional about it as I am having a laugh, and a big one at that, but that is about it.
You either did not read my remarks on Daniels or did not understand them. The justification according to you is that Clinton cheated on his wife, lied about it and remained in office so did trump hence everything is fine. I personally would agree that if it is ok for one, it is ok for the other, no problem.
However, the people who NOW want to make this "morality fault" disappear are the same that wanted to remove Clinton from the office. As they are christian conservatives one would actually expect a way higher morality level as of the "liberals" but, quite the contrary, it is "do as I say, don't do as I do" rather than leading by example and tossing the wife cheater out. Hypocrasy at its finest (and yes the liberals are the same but this is somewhat to be expected, innit?)
(Old Spike)
You still on that sinking Russia boat?
(Long Spike)
No, but you obviously still have your head up your ass and are fellating your dear leader even though so far, Mueller has filed charges against five American, one Dutch and 26 Russian nationals, along with three Russian businesses. Get a grip on reality.
In the 14 months since Robert S. Mueller III was appointed to oversee the investigation into possible links between the Trump campaign and Russian officials, he has issued more than 100 criminal counts against 32 people and three companies. Of the 32 people, five — including three Trump associates — have pleaded guilty. Twenty-five are Russians accused of meddling in the 2016 presidential election.
(Old Spike)
Head up my ass? You have a head with a brain and yet you willingly choose not to use it. This statement is completely out of context. If you listen to everything he said during the interview then you would understand what he said is 100% correct.
(Long Spike)
Holy shit you are one fucked up character.
(Old Spike)
Truth isn't truth, of course the trumptards would agree.
(Short Spike)
Hey daftcunt. Do you know how the process of appeals, or common court procedures go? Or do you just throw trumptard in front of everything? Why you so mad? GDP is booming, historically high amount of minorities and women in cabinet positions, jobs are way way up, stock market is booming, tariffs are helping, what is the manufactured outrage today? He said something that hurt your feelings? Because everyone seems to be playing a game of semantics with each other and changing definitions of things to fit into their narrative. Both sides have their version of the "truth" and a jury selects which one is correct. Juliani was a lawyer, so he knows in court, the only thing that matters is the side of truth that gets the jury to agree with you.
(Old Spike)
(Short Spike)
1.) Who the fuck cares how to spell his name? Does that further your argument? Does that prove your point, that you can spell or something? You have Zero facts to support any of what you claim.
2.) As I have posted before, I hated him just like everyone else when he was elected. But guess what, I am also a grown ass man, that can call a spade a spade, without giving into every emotion I feel. Facts>Emotions. Or are you the liberal type, where we need to explore how you got hurt and be sensitve, and go on sjw crusades?
3.)SHE TOOK THE MONEY, ALL SHE WOULD HAVE HAD TO DO, if he was really what people are saying, is say no, and testify? But guess what? She took it to keep her mouth shut. hahahaha. No one blames her? No one talks about how she gave consent. Who cares who he fucks? Bill Clinton had sex numerous times, in the OVAL OFFICE. But I guess thats ok, and to rape two women, yeah thats cool. You people are fucking stupid. Justify rape, but down a policy or administration because your feels tell you to. hahaha
(Old Spike)
WOW, it took you half a year to come up with this? Let's see (I´ll take your point references):
However, the people who NOW want to make this "morality fault" disappear are the same that wanted to remove Clinton from the office. As they are christian conservatives one would actually expect a way higher morality level as of the "liberals" but, quite the contrary, it is "do as I say, don't do as I do" rather than leading by example and tossing the wife cheater out. Hypocrasy at its finest (and yes the liberals are the same but this is somewhat to be expected, innit?)