A big LOL goes to the filming of black young people storming a temporary building site fence!
This is how the fences look there:
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eh (Long Spike)
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blue_devil (Short Spike)
Now the real question is why is Africa such a fucking shithole continent that people are fleeing from it towards Europe?
Besides the vast sahara desert that could contain oil there seems to be a big fucking patch of green stuff meaning you can farm it.
If it's not the land then the problem must be the people.
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subroutine (Old Spike)
european colonialism fucked them
they cant compete with the highly subsidised and efficent agricultur products from around the world
the worldwide help for africa over the last decades was mainly provided in form of food deliveries and educational help was pretty spare...
mad level of corruption
bad infrastructure ... but what can you do with no money to invest? sellout to china incoming?
and so on...
it is a vicious circle
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GKhan (Old Spike)
Great summary. I beleive it's just going to get worse before it gets better.
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Ozmen (Long Spike)
It's not like it's possible but forcing global corporations to pay for their resources and forcing them to adopt a 'maximal level of corruption' or similar notion into their deals with nations would stop atleast some of the economic migration we see here. Plus we could spend about the same amount of resources on improving the source nations of those people as we spend on borderwatch. Would be more effective, guarding the border when there are less people coming through.
So deal with the social shit that is intentional but unnecessary. The shit that isn't necessary but which exists and must be dealth with as a distraction from the cause. Our(theirs as well) shitty economic and political systems.
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ninjzz3.0 (Short Spike)
when I go to Ceuta
want to see traditional and modern African
Architecture, not colonialist fucking Spanish
architecture. Shit happens! If they can deal with your
ancestors raping and pillaging the " motherland" and
ancestors you can deal with brown and black people
(Old Spike)
attempted intrusions happen all the time there.
A big LOL goes to the filming of black young people storming a temporary building site fence!
This is how the fences look there:
(Long Spike)
(Short Spike)
Now the real question is why is Africa such a fucking shithole continent that people are fleeing from it towards Europe?
Besides the vast sahara desert that could contain oil there seems to be a big fucking patch of green stuff meaning you can farm it.
If it's not the land then the problem must be the people.
(Old Spike)
it is a vicious circle
(Old Spike)
Great summary. I beleive it's just going to get worse before it gets better.
(Long Spike)
It's not like it's possible but forcing global corporations to pay for their resources and forcing them to adopt a 'maximal level of corruption' or similar notion into their deals with nations would stop atleast some of the economic migration we see here. Plus we could spend about the same amount of resources on improving the source nations of those people as we spend on borderwatch. Would be more effective, guarding the border when there are less people coming through.
So deal with the social shit that is intentional but unnecessary. The shit that isn't necessary but which exists and must be dealth with as a distraction from the cause. Our(theirs as well) shitty economic and political systems.
(Short Spike)
want to see traditional and modern African
Architecture, not colonialist fucking Spanish
architecture. Shit happens! If they can deal with your
ancestors raping and pillaging the " motherland" and
ancestors you can deal with brown and black people
(Old Spike)
"Modern African architecture"