If you don't give a shit then why bitch about it for nearly 10 minutes?
Really wish people named their posts more clearly.
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skeptoid (Old Spike)
He said he did give a shit - specifically about there being cyborgs in World War II. I'm a huge Battlefield guy and what's always separated that game from Call of Duty is a greater emphasis on realism.
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Ozmen (Long Spike)
Yeah I just thought the very last words were a bit weird.
Can't have cyborgs in ww2 if you're going for realism. A woman warrior is pushing the bounds of reality except for a few fields of battle. Like the Russian front. But even then women battallions were mostly for morale boosting and not actual in the trenches combat.
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puttefnask (Old Spike)
I tried the Battlefield Alpha, and I must say the wamen screaming in pain on the battlefield really added something to the game.
Cringe is what it added.
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Fullauto223cal (Old Spike)
SJWs bitch that Battlefield is sexist for not shoehorning in women combat soliders.
EA gets woke, says fuck history, includes disabled lesbian soliders.
SJWs bitch that Battlefield is sexist, homophobic, and hates handicapped people because players can now murder disabled lesbian soldiers in the game.
SJW who were never going to buy the game, do not buy the game.
Actual customers who actually play the game do not buy the game.
EA kills off Dice because it went broke due to poor sales.
(Old Spike)
Maybe for a campaign it could be okay but if the MP version is mostly female models it'll be too weird.
Roughly 7% of FPS gamers are female according to below stats...it's most likely more like < 2% in BF considering it's a military game.
(Long Spike)
If you don't give a shit then why bitch about it for nearly 10 minutes?
Really wish people named their posts more clearly.
(Old Spike)
He said he did give a shit - specifically about there being cyborgs in World War II. I'm a huge Battlefield guy and what's always separated that game from Call of Duty is a greater emphasis on realism.
(Long Spike)
Yeah I just thought the very last words were a bit weird.
Can't have cyborgs in ww2 if you're going for realism. A woman warrior is pushing the bounds of reality except for a few fields of battle. Like the Russian front. But even then women battallions were mostly for morale boosting and not actual in the trenches combat.
(Old Spike)
I tried the Battlefield Alpha, and I must say the wamen screaming in pain on the battlefield really added something to the game.
Cringe is what it added.
(Old Spike)
SJWs bitch that Battlefield is sexist for not shoehorning in women combat soliders.
EA gets woke, says fuck history, includes disabled lesbian soliders.
SJWs bitch that Battlefield is sexist, homophobic, and hates handicapped people because players can now murder disabled lesbian soldiers in the game.
SJW who were never going to buy the game, do not buy the game.
Actual customers who actually play the game do not buy the game.
EA kills off Dice because it went broke due to poor sales.
Get woke, go broke.