Gulags have been given a bad name by capitalists. Do you really know about Gulags? Btw in 1997 a girl in my journalism class at Carleton University espoused Gulags to re-educate non-progressives.
(5 votes)
Gulags have been given a bad name by capitalists. Do you really know about Gulags? Btw in 1997 a girl in my journalism class at Carleton University espoused Gulags to re-educate non-progressives.
(Old Spike)
12 minute video based on a retarded twitter post by a random nobody?
come on man
(Old Spike)
So you didn't watch the video?
(Old Spike)
Watched the first few minutes. I don't need to watch Tim breaking down dumb Twitter comments. That's not journalism.
Just watched the rest on high speed (since you asked) and it's just a shallow rant about capitalism > communism. Again, not journalism.
(Old Spike)
This is Timcast - Tim's commentary channel. It's not for news reporting (I think that's what you meant). It's for editorialization and for him to give his actual personal opinion about things, losen up on the discipline that constrains proper news reporting. "Tim Pool" is his news reporting and media analysis channel.