There is no such thing as a suicide victim (unless the person committing takes others with them in the process).
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sal9000 (Old Spike)
"(unless the person committing takes others with them in the process)." that would be murder-suicide
"There is no such thing as a suicide victim " gona give you a chance. google "victim of suicide" or "suicide victim", than let me know if you want to stick with that.
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daftcunt (Old Spike)
I simply stick with the technicalities and try to look at it without emotion. One can be a victim of bullying or rape or suffer depression or other mental issues. The conscious decision to commit suicide is completely one's own in the first two or similar cases.
The person affected may have been mentally completely sane and "only" a victim of bullying and in most cases also a victim of failed parenthood or guardianship, though, probably with genetically preconditioned vulnerability.
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Fullauto223cal (Old Spike)
I had to upvote you both since both of you since daftcunts comment is so stupid that it made me laugh and your rational respond was on the nose it made me laugh as well.
Daftcunt, I think I understand where you are coming from as we tend to assume a victim is the receipant of wrongdoing. And I would tend to agree that someone offing themselves is not a victim in that sense. But generally speaking, they are victim in that something happened and they were harmed as a result.
For example, someone loses control of their vehicle and is harmed in the crash. Nobody was killed but that person is still a "crash victim".
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daftcunt (Old Spike)
I stand corrected, I assumed the definition of victim would be less vague.
Oxford dictionary: victim "A person harmed, injured, or killed as a result of a crime, accident, or other event or action."
So if someone consciously decides to put a bullet into their own head they actually still are victims of "other event or action". LOL This is pretty counter intuitive if you ask me.
(Old Spike)
There is no such thing as a suicide victim (unless the person committing takes others with them in the process).
(Old Spike)
"(unless the person committing takes others with them in the process)." that would be murder-suicide
"There is no such thing as a suicide victim " gona give you a chance. google "victim of suicide" or "suicide victim", than let me know if you want to stick with that.
(Old Spike)
I simply stick with the technicalities and try to look at it without emotion. One can be a victim of bullying or rape or suffer depression or other mental issues. The conscious decision to commit suicide is completely one's own in the first two or similar cases.
The person affected may have been mentally completely sane and "only" a victim of bullying and in most cases also a victim of failed parenthood or guardianship, though, probably with genetically preconditioned vulnerability.
(Old Spike)
I had to upvote you both since both of you since daftcunts comment is so stupid that it made me laugh and your rational respond was on the nose it made me laugh as well.
Daftcunt, I think I understand where you are coming from as we tend to assume a victim is the receipant of wrongdoing. And I would tend to agree that someone offing themselves is not a victim in that sense. But generally speaking, they are victim in that something happened and they were harmed as a result.
For example, someone loses control of their vehicle and is harmed in the crash. Nobody was killed but that person is still a "crash victim".
(Old Spike)
I stand corrected, I assumed the definition of victim would be less vague.
Oxford dictionary: victim "A person harmed, injured, or killed as a result of a crime, accident, or other event or action."
So if someone consciously decides to put a bullet into their own head they actually still are victims of "other event or action". LOL This is pretty counter intuitive if you ask me.
(Old Spike)
Yes, they are a victim of their own stupidity.