bomberman was a trump supporter


Pantysoaker's picture
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they were bombs as much as Warren was an Indian

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skeptoid's picture

I wonder how they tracked him down. LOL

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theblackswordsman's picture
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Lol. If I wanted to send bombs because of a belief in my ideology. I would make sure not to represent it. I would actually represent the view I hate the most.

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danmanjones's picture

He's got a criminal history & had DNA samples & fingerprints taken years ago, which were used to identify him. So the story goes.

Jeff Sessions said "These were not hoax devices" but they weren't bombs which is strange...more like props from a B-grade movie.

It all seems quite hoaxy to me but he is from Florida. Who knows.

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monkeymania's picture

Just a whackjob. Period. It was funny as hell when Fox News blurred all of the images and text on the van in their report, then just showed it covered up adding-"There was some sort of propaganda on the van"

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Fullauto223cal's picture


There are always crazy people on both ends of the political spectrum.  But if I had to pick a crazy guy I'd much rather have the crazy guy who lives with his mom, drives a old van covered in bumper stickers that mails out fake as fuck "bombs" that were nonfunctional and never meant to actually harm anyone over a guy who loads up a rifle, drives to a Congresional baseball game and attempts to commit actual mass murder because Bernie Sanders told him Republicans were killing people with their healthcare bill.

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daftcunt's picture
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So it was not an antifa posing as a trumptard but the real thing? Awh, come on. 

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