Freight Train, Whistler Bike Park

GKhan's picture

Freight Train, Whistler Bike Park

Already missing the Bike Park season.

Average: 5 (5 votes)


Mori's picture

No accidents? I'm confused.

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GKhan's picture

Do you mean how can they ride like this and not crash? Just practicing and building technique & confidence. It's like skiing, if you hit the park 30-40 times you can probably ride big stuff like this. Also, Whistler is well smoothed out in many places making it (somewhat) forgiving for learning. Those big jumps have flat tops and long landings. So if they land short, they just hit their back tire hard on the top and if they are too long they just drop a little harder onto the down ramp. All of these mistakes more forgiven with bigger suspension.


What's really amazing is how fast one can learn compared to riding up/down regular trails. On a regular trail where one has to bike up and down and the jumps are 1/10 this size one may get 3 jumps in a ride. So say two rides a week: 3 jumps/ride x 2 rides/week x 4 weeks/month=24 practice jumps a month. Where at Whistler, as you just saw one can get 24 jumps in 10 minutes. If one is in enough shape, you can probably get in 200 jumps/day. Like a year equivalent of up/down trail riding in a day and of course being able to practice all the jumps this close together reinforces the learning that much faster.



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Mori's picture

Let's say that's exactly what I meant and not get all of that text go to waste :)

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GKhan's picture

:) I may be a little OCD about downhill right now.

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