Video Evidence Clears Man of Rape Charge


sato's picture

wait, the girl herself made no complaint, he was arrested and charged on what an uninvolved party - her roommate - reported?

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Mori's picture

Yeah, I didn't understand that either. Also, a judge saw the video and decided he is innocent. Was there also testimony from the accuser? What did she say then?

And also, she was a bit drunk and wanted to have sex with him, I think we can infer as much from the videos. But after they got to her room and fooled around for a bit, after she got sober, what if she changed her mind? What if he pushed her into it and forced her at that point? This video does not contradict that version of events at all. Watching just these videos is definitively not enough to come to a fair conclusion.

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magichands's picture

Rules for life. 

1. Work hard

2, Don't be a dick. 


You're breaking rule #2. Playing devils advocate isn't productive. 

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Mori's picture

I disagree with your rule breaking statement. I am also not playing devil's advocate but simply offering up a different possibility. 

The fact of the matter is that I like justice. Let's ignore for a moment that most videos we watch we just don't check sources and don't even know if they can be believed. This case just goes further, there is just not enough information on this video to convict. Anyone that thinks there is should not be part of any jury.

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Woodsman's picture

Wow.  Fucking guy dodged a bullet.  I am also pretty enraged by the idea you can be proven innocent in a court of law, but a university "office of equity and diversity" can thunderfuck your future on their own accord.  Academics are officially fucked.

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Dude's picture
front pageLe roi de Belgique

Dont mess with sluts

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robbby1234's picture

Then... What's the point of sluts?

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beer420's picture

Holy shit in her statement to police she said she couldn't remember the encounter. WTF I can't remember, let's just press charges because I'm an angel and you're a rapist. 

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