Fat dumb bitch doctors video...

daftcunt's picture

Expert: Sarah Sanders tweeted altered Acosta video

...and thinks she does not get caught.


Well, trump related, yes a little (probably also ordered). But not directly, so I don't think I break the rules, if I do please delete.


This is what politics has come to it appears.

Average: 3.4 (26 votes)


danmanjones's picture

AP jumped the shark on this one.

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puttefnask's picture

That blur is often an effect of changing the amount frames per second, and does not have to have anything with slowing down or speeding up footage.


If the video was re-uploaded via a cellphone there can be a discrepancy in fps. If it is uploaded as a gif there is a huge risk of loosing frames, lag, etc. Anyone dealing with codecs and video restoration knows this.


Lastly the effects of this alleged doctored footage does not change the apparent effect of the events that occured. So my guess is that it is not a purposely doctored video and rather the effects of re-uploading video in a different format.


Nor does this video change the fact that Acosta was acting like a total douchebag, speaking over other reporters, taking up their time, which he often does, turning a press-conference into a shouting match between the President and a heckler.



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daftcunt's picture
Discord userfront page

Yeah, you go and tell yourself that. 

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skeptoid's picture

I think he was addressing you actually. Both versions look like Wing Chun chi sao to me. It's just an exercise.

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daftcunt's picture
Discord userfront page

Why are you always second guessing people? Especially those you don't personally know....

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skeptoid's picture

Who am I second guessing here - you or Putt? You should delete this post with great shame in your heart.


I'm assuming Putt was addressing the hilarious oblviousness and confusion of those scrambling to say a video was doctored when the "undoctored" video is just as bad - I'm certain he wasn't addressing himself.

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daftcunt's picture
Discord userfront page

LOL, are you jealous that more people vote on this than on most of your shit? Read the description, I asked admin to delete it if they feel it's too trumpy trashy....


Vote it down so it gets taken off autyomatically, but don't bother eveybody else with your pathetic little complaints.... How sad can one person be?

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skeptoid's picture

You know this violates the law of the land, and yet you posted it anyway. I like how you emphasized the "number" of votes on a video - I find this telling. Since it's so important to you, I've canceled my vote, which was 1/5 because you are taking advantage of the fact that the admins barely monitor this site to go ahead and post Trump-related bullshit. You are in violation of No ***** November. Do the right thing. End this madness.



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daftcunt's picture
Discord userfront page

If you are so embarrassed by your comments you should know you actually can alter them now, even if replied to. No need to delete one of the very few posts that make it to the "front page" because of that.

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skeptoid's picture

The whole point of No ***** November was to stop the flow of retarded ****-related horeshit to the front page. And hey 60s-something fuckface who thinks being married is special thing to brag about (LOL dude I think you may have some kind of womens' issues): LOOK AT THE COMMENT SECTION - WHO'S VOTING ON THIS?


Right? It IS hard to get a post to the front page these days. It is EASY to get garbage like this to the front page for reasons every veteran spiked member who has a pulse understands, including you. You also understand this was one of the reasons for No ***** November. But you couldn't help yourself could you? Because you know that this shit, banned for the month of November, will go to the front page the same way it always has. That makes you sad DaftCunt - because the aim isn't to get things to the front page. The aim is to get good shit to the front page. This isn't good shit DaftCunt - this is just the same old tired shit. 


Can you overcome your aspergers just for the month of November? I really don't care, as much you might wish I did. I am too busy for this silly shit right now. I've never been jealous of you Daftcunt - only frequently disappointed. If that makes you happy, at least you have that.

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daftcunt's picture
Discord userfront page

Aaaah boy, you alwayds find a way to make me chuckle.


Realise this:  If you take yourself too seriously you make a fool of yourself. You are not important, I am not important, being "a veteran" on this this site is not important. If you want people to take you seriously stop whining like a spoilt brat and man up.


This post isn't even about trump, still it amused enough people (probably more bacause of the ARS reactions than the content, which was "better" than expected actually)

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skeptoid's picture

That's you daftcunt. You can't let a grudge go. I don't believe you are stupid though, which is why we both know you are full of shit above. Fifteen voted but hardly any comments from those who did. Same pattern associated with these posts from you an Eh (currently in sleep mode as Monkeymadness) again and again. Same tired old shit. 

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daftcunt's picture
Discord userfront page

Yes, why has kdog changed his name again?


Anyway, you really need to get over yourself, dear! I don't hold a grudge with you, for this I would have to take you seriously, which I can't.

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skeptoid's picture

It's not me you have a grudge against - it's this site you despise. Obviously. Kdogg too. Kdogg didn't just change his name again - he's gone into sleep mode, and you have picked up exactly where he left off. How stupid do you think you are? Cuz like I said I don't actually think you're that dumb - just a bit aspergerzy.


Just like kdogg, you post something that only people who come here to site-kill are going to vote on. They don't comment here. They don't post here (subroutine does - good man), but they do vote here and you know as well as I do what that means. No one is bothered by the fact that you are infatuated with Jim Acosta - it's the shitty posts people are complaining about. There's nothing sadder than you fools posting site-killing shit, and then a few people who are still left here complaining about the quality and obvious tomfoolery, one guy talks about the actual video, and you're like "I knew it would be worth posting this for the reactions...." mirroring kdogg's line all the way. Do you have an original thought in your head Daftcunt?


Do you understand that all of that just looks sad to us? It's like everyone else has moved on while you've placed yourself permanently in special ed. Daftcunt's like "Now it's MY chance to be a retard. Yay!" 


Look man if it makes you feel good - if you feel like you're winning and get a pick up for the rest of the day when you play show-and-tell with your friends who don't comment, I don't see any harm in it. It's not like this site is ever going to be more than what is today, and it will never be what it once was as long as this stuff keeps up. 


You know why I am the points leader STILL even though I've only been posting once or twice a day, if that, for a couple of months? Grothesk is gone and he'll stay second place forever at this rate. The reason is because you and kdogg, and your band of friends or socks or larps or whatever (who cares?), pushed everyone who used to vote on the non-Trump-BS vids away. So none of the vids that are classic spiked can attain the necessary 11 votes. Andy managed it - and that should have had at least 26 votes not 15. All you've demonstrated, Daftcunt, by making your idiot post in the middle of No Trump November is just how thoroughly you and Kdogg have killed the site, and how completely you've secured my position of first place for points. It'll take pussy juice pants months to get there, maybe even a year, with his 3-5 posts per day.


Clap                                                                         clap                                                                        clap

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daftcunt's picture
Discord userfront page

WOW, do you actually read your own shit? Are you high, drunk or both?


Again: you are not important, no matter how hard you wank over your "points" (you could have even more points if you would present people with stuff that they actually like to see). 


Like I said in the other reply I am torn between being amused or somewhat saddened about you.


Everybody that read your comment is a little dumber now, you should go and get a real purpouse in life, like a new job, I hear in "consulting" a lot of money can be made......




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skeptoid's picture

Hang in there bud.


Poor guy.

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Cahu's picture
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Fullauto223cal's picture

WTF????  Of course they slowed it down.  It's what was shown in the video that matters and that was not altered.  If Jim Acosta wasn't a leftist shill his ass would have been fired.

Oh, and Mr. Cunt.  She didn't alter anything.  She tweeted a video someone else made.


Are you telling me Acosta didn't act like a child and refuse to give up the mic after asking his question?

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daftcunt's picture
Discord userfront page

Are you telling me the smpotus didn't act like a child when refusing to answer a very valid question (CNN or not)

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Fullauto223cal's picture
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daftcunt's picture
Discord userfront page

Knew it was worth posting this, I sorta miss the ARS' tantrums in notrumpnovember....

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skeptoid's picture

Why hasn't this post been deleted? It literally defines the horseshit no-***** November is supposed to protect us from.

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Fullauto223cal's picture

It goes to show who the real Trump obsessed are.  It isn't his fans, it's his haters who are obsessed with him.

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Maxpower's picture

lol, you can't be serious with this shit.

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gringer's picture


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ageing hippy liberal douche's picture

Can you smell that in the air?
The site's finally coming to their senses.

daftcunts probably stuffing the vote again.

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