Jimmy Dore Destroys Israel


Fullauto223cal's picture

Jimmy Dore is full of shit and that map is a lie yet Jew haters continue to spread it around.  Palestine didn't exist until 1988 and was only created out spite of the countries who keep losing to Israel.


It's all part of the "Palestine Land Loss Myth"


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skeptoid's picture

Dore is a fun guy to listen to for obvious reasons. Especially if you really don't like the MSM and would like to watch someone swear at it for 25 minutes. But when he talks about something you know a lot about, it's pretty obvious Dore knows almost nothing about it. I don't know much about Israel, but I do know a lot about Network Neutrality and carrier-level IT and policy control. Jimmy talks about that from time to time as though he knows something useful about it - he does not. Not really.


That girl fancies herself a modern-day female Samson. I love her on Game of Thrones, but I didn't know she was an Oxford spokesperson.


Oh snap! When I went to the YouTube link to get the URL so I can troll Jimmy with it, this was the ad that played (part 3 of 4 for fuck sakes LOLOLOLOLOLOLOL - how can you people not just be laughing constantly, all the time, like me?):


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danmanjones's picture

Palestine dates back to when the Romans controlled the Levant.


Here's a map from ~150AD:

Prior to that the Levant was controlled by Hittites, Egyptians, Assyrians, Babylonians, Persians & Pheonicians.


What Jimmy said wasn't too bad although he implied the UN plan was implemented which it wasn't. It did show he doesn't know much about the history but at least he didn't choose to use biased talking points like the girl in your video. "Palestine was never a state" is just a strawman talking point. We interpret a "state" as a UN member state these days - the UN has only existed since the 20th century.


What I find interesting is your being triggered at this video because it challenged your Zionist-think & not that your mainstream media is being subverted for Israel, which was the point of the video.

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Fullauto223cal's picture

Doesn't matter.  Israel exists and unless you're willing to exterminate them they aren't going anywhere.

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danmanjones's picture

Not going anywhere would mean a stop to their continuous land theft & it would be a good start.

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sato's picture

agree, but so does palestine. the orginal plan for the state of israel literally says it will be created "in palestine". the bit about palestine not existing is just bs made up by zionists who want to legitimise their grab of land outside israel.

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