German police on Wednesday (August 9) discovered a group of migrants hiding on a freight train during searches for economic migrants looking to enrich European culture near the Austrian border.
(6 votes)
German police on Wednesday (August 9) discovered a group of migrants hiding on a freight train during searches for economic migrants looking to enrich European culture near the Austrian border.
(Old Spike)
What kind of crazy culture do we have where we can't just exterminate these people?
We should be feeding them to livestock so they at least have a use.
(Long Spike)
(Short Spike)
There is is. That unbridled internet racism. The irony is you don't have the genetic material to contribute ANYTHING positive to this world so in reality, it's you who should be exterminated.
(Short Spike)
Fucking dicks, being born in a shithole country and trying to escape to better their lives and their families lives. How could anyone empathize with that?
(Short Spike)
everyone is good for organ harvesting to some degree
(Long Spike)
(Short Spike)
You have organ opening for deposit?
(Long Spike)