Package Thieves VS Glitter Bomb Trap

phanto's picture

Package Thief vs. Glitter Bomb Trap

I forgot to over engineer the crap out of it

Average: 4.7 (20 votes)


danmanjones's picture

What's the legality of it being a more lethal booby trap...would Youtube put the video in restricted mode or nah?

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bradlox's picture
Beta TesterTells jokes

My very first thought was frag grenade ( and fart spray ) . 

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sato's picture

better one would be a "product" that was really hard to open, so it had to wait until they got home where they could use some tools, so you'd have their address.

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daftcunt's picture
Discord userfront page

Some of the reactions are like people think now that they stole it they are "entitled" to have it and annoyed at the prankster rather than themselves.


We don't have this problem here but if we had I probably would put an exploding or at least heavily leaking paintcan in the box.

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monkeymania's picture

Porch pirates are a special breed. I'd like to see one get beat up.

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CombatGod's picture

Yes, I've had many police encounters. I'm currently 36 years old and I've never in my entire life have had any help from the police ever... I've had stereos stolen, systems hacked, car vandalized, there was never an issue the police ever helped me with.

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Woodsman's picture

Bet if you broke the speed limit or committed a ticketable infraction they'd get their ass in gear.

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NoToucH's picture

I wonder how long it was there, so many people come by to take it and it doesnt even look like the worst neighbourhood. That the police doesnt do shit with it cus u sort of bait them ok, stupid cus it makes them thiefs nonetheless but ok. But u should at least be able to show their faces to burn them online. But yea I gues if you did that, you yourself would actualy be the only one getting in real trouble with the law. What a world we live in.

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