

TheWeirdo's picture
Beta Tester

He probably blames everybody and anything but himself for being at this point in his life.

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phanto's picture

The presence of an extra jumbo Burger King soda cup says it all.

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RaiThioS's picture
Beta Tester

and the dish soap haha

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Trevicahn's picture

Like, just stop feeding him.  Whats he going to do?


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Fullauto223cal's picture

LOL, I know right.  Only stock the fridge with fresh veggies and tell him if he wants a Burger he's going to have to walk his ass down to the fast food joint.  Make him earn that shit.

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Trevicahn's picture


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theblackswordsman's picture
front page

Part 1 of Casey's life. His parents were the problem for not teaching him better and preparing better food at the table.


Part 2 of Casey's life. Casey is the problem for not motivating himself to eat better and be active in increments at least.


Part 3 of Casey's life. His parents are now the problem for continueing to enable this state.


Part 4. Casey please get better. It's going to be the hardest thing you have ever done, but it's not too late.

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daftcunt's picture
Discord userfront page

The guy is happy like a pig in shit..... and the enabler sits beside the tub and watches in silent admiration.

Time to shout: "You are slowly killing your son, you retard!"

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Fullauto223cal's picture

You know, I got to be honest.  Taking a bath in a big ass tank like that filled with hot water sounds pretty fucking relaxing.

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sal9000's picture
front pageTantrums and Tiaras

to be honest, i can see you eating/bathing from a trough, you know, like a farm animal

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Fullauto223cal's picture

Does that turn you on or something?  And you said I was the closet homo.  I guess you were just projecting.


I do know what seems to get your goat, telling you a man is in fact a man, no matter what he wears.

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sal9000's picture
front pageTantrums and Tiaras

i'm comfortable in my skin to say, i don't know if that would turn me on. you're balding, you got fucked up teeth and you're obese. send pics and we'll see if anything goes on downstairs.


you dont know whats going on. a man is a man, no matter what he wears or does to his body, feelings dont change dna. nothing gets my goat. i can totally agree with you but it's 2019. i thought it would be fun to shit on you all year.

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GKhan's picture

I feel a mini series coming.

Get a couple strippers to move in with him, have baths together.

"You know it's a lot of work but we help each other out and make it happen."

He'll make money by doing live web cams of him eating, bathing and a la carte requested activites.


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