Humanity has done it, we are devolving back into neanderthalers, this has been clear to me since Trump was elected president.
(7 votes)
Humanity has done it, we are devolving back into neanderthalers, this has been clear to me since Trump was elected president.
(Old Spike)
(Old Spike)
On a serious note, I want to say this video is a little cringy and sad. This poor man is obviously afflicted with a genetic disorder of some type and is being laughed at by whoever is filming him dance. I don't understand what they're saying but at the end of the video his reaction comes across as embarrassed, as if he realizes they're mocking him.
But hey, OP saw an opportunity to use this disabled man to mock his political opponents, so it's cool. /s
(Short Spike)
Wow.... so this is what Spiked has become. Coool... 1/5
(Old Spike)
Don't let one bad apple spoil the bunch. We have a voting system on here for a reason.
(Short Spike)
^ +1
(Short Spike)
Yeayeaaaa get that sand out of your vaginas! And I dont care much about politics but Trump lol thats gotta be the all time low even for murica ! fuck yea. I hoped he would be ellected just for shits and giggles and it turned out great. And ok ok next time we see someone with a disorder lets all start crying and feeling bad ok, that will make the world a much happyer place right? He was dancing before and was having fun!. Getting way to serious about a video like that. It seems to me he has the mind of a child, is it not ok to laugh at children anymore either? Seriously nothing is socialy and politicly correct anymore, cry about anything and everything. The old spiked is dead and all u fucking bitter old men do is argue about politics, spread bs and hate about jewish people and have endless never ending discussions about the laws on firearms and what not. And calling me a bad apple for one video haha that says more about your shortmindedness, and love for Trump perhaps. Full auto how about u focus ur attention on ur never ending discussions with other spikers. And save urself the effort to respond to me cus I wont ever see it nor give a fuck. Cus unlike you, I have somethign better to do with my time then commenting back and forth with someone I couldnt give a shit about. Have a great bitter life and go easy on the vinegar.