@ 0:37
...we hope too that [every nation will] disconnect their financial systems from [Venezuela's government]"
UN Security Council meeting was called last night by Pompeo.
Elliot Abrams (a guy who supported & covered up death squads in latin America) also represented the US at the meeting.
Here's some highlights & reactions....
"Now, it is time for every other nation to pick a side. No more delays, no more games. Either you stand with the forces of freedom, or you're in league with [Nicolas] Maduro and his mayhem,"
- Mike Pompeo, UNSC meeting last night
What will Australasia do?
What about the Europeans?
European puppet states are demanding Venezuela has new elections within 8 days. France, Germany & UK will recognize Guaido as president if this demand is not met. Bank of England refuses to allow Venezuela to withdraw any of their gold reserves.
This is a good time to witness the sovereignty of your own nation, if that shit matters to you.
(Old Spike)
Why are you shilling so hard for a Dictator?
(Old Spike)
I'm not.
Does your country have the right to impose regime change in Venezuela?
(Old Spike)
it's not that simple. maduro wasn't fairly elected and also was defeated in his house, which resulted in him setting up a whole new branch of government of selected rather than elected officials to take over legal proceedings so that elected officials have nothing they can do. you don't do that if you're legit.
(Old Spike)
How was the election unfair?