Can't wait for Bioware's latest Sci-fi release, Anthem. Hoping for a wide rage of customization, a good story, and solid pvp multiplayer.
Also looking to start a new Warhammer 40k project, WATCH FOR DETAILS!
(9 votes)
Can't wait for Bioware's latest Sci-fi release, Anthem. Hoping for a wide rage of customization, a good story, and solid pvp multiplayer.
Also looking to start a new Warhammer 40k project, WATCH FOR DETAILS!
(Old Spike)
I can't wait for Tropico 6. My guy will be called Danman Chavez & I'll build a communist utopia ruled with an iron fist & allied with the Soviet Union. Arresting political rivals or just exiling them & quelling dissent with the military. Gonna need a lot of prisons. Might even ban food imports & make everyone eat nothing but bananas. Gonna build a special suburb of mansions for me & my loyal generals. It'll be sweet.
"At the end of the day you spend a fucking hour trying to go over a little cliff, and you would have already gotten to your destination if you would stop being stuborn and just went around." Haha story of my life , to be fair some devs are sonsofbitches and make it very inconsistent. IF I COULD ONLY GET AT IT AT THE .... PERFECT ANGLE.
(Old Spike)
Jeez man, this game was an absolute chore to get through for me. Completing every single quest and exploring every nook and cranny, I can safely say I remember very little of it. I've loved old school Bioware since Baldur/NWN and Mass Effect 1-3 was epic, I can fondly recall every single crewmember and follower quest from the original series; Beating Andromeda about a year ago, I can barely remember the protagonist's name, let alone the story. Hopefully Anthem is a fresh start for Bioware, but seeing as how their leash is still being firmly held by EA, I doubt it.