Most Ancient Dogs

skeptoid's picture

10 Most Ancient Dog Breeds On Earth

I forgot to add a description!

Average: 2.8 (4 votes)


sal9000's picture
front pageTantrums and Tiaras

remember how i said that your sister isn't academically suited to do what she does and you were like, she is and that she would have to reply cause you dont know. still waiting on that.


in the mean time i would like to talk about a few things i noticed about this video. the adbags on the ground that you spend more time carefully stepping around rather than throw away/push the side. the car info. how can you compare one vehicle to another yet not know what type of cars they are. your gait,  the way you walk. you got the phone at chest level with a slight angle down. yet your left arm/hand comes into frame. thats quite the arm swing when you walk. the fact that you're pointing out to the cops about a disturbence when they already knew about it. thats why they were there. why you would involve yourself in your neighbors business when you should know that you lve in the shitty part of town. also get a haircut you hippie. even your shadow gives it away

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skeptoid's picture

My sister is fully qualified to run her business - prove me wrong. The cop who showed up wasn't sure where the source of the disturbance was (he only heard screaming coming from the general direction of our two residences as he drove by and when he pulled up he was specifically looking at me asking "where's the beef?") - that's why I directed him towards it, and he returned afterwards to chat with me some more. There are 4 adbags at the doorstep every single day - a colossal waste of material that is thrown out every day. Every neighbor within 300 feet who was home was out on their porche wondering if someone was about to be killed. I stepped out on the porch to see what the hell it was all about and determine if I needed to intervene, and then noticed the cop staged across the street and, realizing my intervention was not needed, decided to simply record whatever happened next (which is where the video begins). One does not need to know the precise model of the shit squad car to know that the Charger is the bomb, which was the point I was making - in fact just knowing that the crappy car is a Ford should inform anyone with half a brain. I don't live in a "shitt part" of town. I live in a town that blends "shitty", "not-so-shitty" and "aren't we something?" almost seamlessly in a manner I find quite charming. You have a trainwreck like where those two people live next to an apartment building like mine, which is next to a lovely single residence with some of the best landscaping on the street (nice lady lives there - Ziggy bickers with her cats). I live where I do because it allows me to stretch my income to enable the kind of life I want to live right now as I wait for the results of ongoing testing related to a physical health issue. I like my town and I like where I live, and I think your apparent belief that identifying my "area of town" as "shitty" would be some kind of cutting jab says more about you than it does about me. Do you live in a "nice part of town" sal? Do you live in a "shitty part of town"? Do you actually fall somewhere on the autism spectrum?

I don't have to work, but I choose to do so since the skills and experience I gathered during my career grant me the ability to work 3-4 hours from home per week at $250/hour. I've done the 10-12 hour work day for 10 years straight, and now I'm leaning off the fruits of that labor to live a different kind of life. And btw I don't give a FUCK who you are - if you step out into the street in my neighborhood swinging bats and screaming about murder for some crazy reason (I've been given an explanation - not sure I buy it) unlike you and most others  I won't simply glance out the window and think "Someone will do something".  

Ask yourself how accurate your self-described "weaponized autism" truly is, and ask yourself if you might be knowingly or unknowingly making an ass of yourself, as you have done repeatedly with your bizarre obsession with my sister's dog training business (another notch on the creepy board for sal), through the folly of assumption. How many jaw-droppingly stupid statements have you made on this issue?

"My mom beat them with newspapers, therefore..."?

"A dog chewed up my fingers once, therefore...."?

"I bit a dog hard on the back of the neck and it didn't love me afterwards, therefore..."?

"People who recognize the value of Millan's experience and knowledge kick the shit out of their dog every day, therefore..."???

And so on. You should be happy that I lend you the courtesy of discussing anything with you, given this track record. There's nothing playful about your post here, sal - you've chosen to really be explicit about your dislike of me. In fact you've gone out of your way to do so, and the assumptions you made only betray this further. I think you and Daftcunt should find a support group and take strength from each other.

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Grothesk's picture

I'm just lurk-watching these interactions, but I also felt that there was a bit of venom in Sal's post, which took me a bit by surprise.

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sal9000's picture
front pageTantrums and Tiaras

i was beyond fucked when i made the comment. but i still stand behind it. his reply just makes it look worse than it is.

the thing about his sis, the cars and the involvement with the cops and neighbors is true.

i've told him the only requirements to rehabilitate a dog into a potential disaster is a building permit, liability insurance and labelling procedures. he said she has the requirements and she would reply. nothing came. now he says for me to proove she doesnt have it... mission accomplished.

the car. "the new police cars are pretty sweet, it's like on of the ford focus ones but i think this ones got more meat on it, its one of them dodges. see i love these dodge charges". first its not a ford focus and he had to go around the new one to see what it was. if you dont know what you are talking about. how can you compare them? which parallel's his pov on wolf and dog. he comapars the two when they are not the same.

cops and neighbors, cops dont want people walking up to them while they are trying to get a handle on the situation. "go sit down, i'll come to you". if they are on the site they know whats up and  they have guns and tazers. involving yourself my have repurcutions from the neighbor. like i said before. punching someone in the face the first time only gets you probation.

the stuff about his gait,hair and papers was a jest. any other vid he has he doesnt walk funny, his hair is of no concesquence and he could have said they were't his papers or his entrence to his place. think it was stuff to ensure a reply.

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skeptoid's picture

I never said my sister would communicate with any of you directly, and unlike me she read your initial comments and just chuckled at your ignorance and Daftcunt's arrogance and, being much wiser than I am, indicated there was no point conversing with fools. I can't help myself. I never said my sister would provide you with a list of her qualifications and requirements, which do involve passing a number of gates and local laws to do her job. You've just made all of that up. What I said is that she is fully qualified to do her job, and you have said she lacks the qualifications to do her job, and you cannot back that up. Sorry dude - you lose.

Based on the rest of your comment above it's clear you still have not read my reply. The cop pulled up to me specifically to ask me where the beef was - out of respect I just didn't want to point the camera in his face for no reason. I knew it was a charger, but wanted to make extra certain since I was about to comment on it. I've rented an driven Chargers with less muscle and enjoyed them - no comparison to a Ford Focus or Taurus. If no police had showed up I would have been out there doing what I could stop the violence, since I'm not a coward like you.

I don't care that much about points at this point (ha ha). This site has like 11 users and 7 people who comment - I've tried to funnel people here and have received feedback that indicates folks aren't interested in participating in discussions dominated by SJW nonsense or post to a site that's frequently wall-to-wall anti-Trump masturbation. The site is done - continued participation is like the nerve twitches of a freshly dead corpse.

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sal9000's picture
front pageTantrums and Tiaras

you are a liar. even in my most fucked up point. i'm still more credible than you. i dont misquote people like you did with my apparent quotes. you misconstrued 2 of them and completly fucked up the last one that i dont recall typing it or atleast the way you bring it back.

i'm going to reply to your comment, when i'm ready and i'll go for the throat without

here is my proof of your "i never said my sister would..."

here is your quote from

My sister would have to answer that when she gets back. I know there are some facility requirements and the need to comply with bylaws at the municipal level, which varies depending on the county or city. In terms of the educational requirements I have heard my sister complain strongly about them not being robust enough. She can answer in more detail when she gets back - perhaps you and her could create the first extensive guidelines to lobby the government for something more established and useful

Tue, 2017-07-18 11:25 |"
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skeptoid's picture

Oh I forgot to mention that the Focus does indeed come in non-hatchback versions, but they don't have a police interceptor version of it no.

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sal9000's picture
front pageTantrums and Tiaras

ah man. i was just being a dick and i get a thick paragraph, gona have to come back to this and read it late, but i do see you mention dafcunt at the bottom. i didnt read his comments on the matter.

""People who recognize the value of Millan's experience and knowledge kick the shit out of their dog every day, therefore..."???"

you sure i said that?

dislike? look at your point history and tell me who donated you points with the title zxc. does that seem like something that someone does that dislikes you?

i'll read the rest of your comment in a bit

i just accidentaly wiped out my reply i was working on. running on fumes. reply at lunch

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Raining Blood's picture

you are my hero. you ate 7 grams of mushrooms. you smoked 7 grams of pot. you drank a 26'er. you left not being to speak, well more like repeating the same thing over and over again, and yet you still managed to roast someone and show up to work in the morning. epic night

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skeptoid's picture

I don't know if your comment about Sal being hammered is true, but all I'll say is that when I read his post (more like throwing a bunch of marshmellows on a camp fire than a roast) I certainly got the feeling that it was written by a very not sober person.

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Raining Blood's picture

bacherlor party. you didnt get the invite? i've known him for 12 years. i would take his word messed up over someones sober

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skeptoid's picture

I should hope so - otherwise what kind of friend would you be?

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daftcunt's picture
Discord userfront page

"My sister is fully qualified to run her business..."

Well, what are the minimum qualifications requirted to do dog training in canada then? My best bet is still: NONE.

You are only too chicken to admit it because you boasted that "she has ALL qualifications necessary" whe, in fact, "necessary" is nothing, at least not dog training related. And you wonder why I call you a coward and a twat?

If you wouldn't be so scared you would recognise that I am NOT your enemy, as far a dog training is concerned, I am your ally. But hey, biastoid, you'll never understand that, will you. You don't even want to try as any attempt to get a few definitions straight and opinions on basics are not successful with you.

I also NEVER disrespected your sister in any of my comments in the way you constantly try to do with me. Your pettiness reminds me of a certain pricktator.


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skeptoid's picture

"My sister has all of the necessary qualifications to run her business." How is that statement incorrect? You ignore all practical knowledge developed over the past few decades in favor of ONLY looking at speculative science based on the study of dolphins that were not selectively bred for domestication, are a different species, and are and will never be brought into the human environment to co-exist with us on a daily basis. You also completely ignore the mystery of consciousness, including the incredible breakthroughs in science showing dogs and many other animals possess it in ways previously dismissed by science, and how people at the practical ground level who work with dogs and pay attention to their minds have known this for centuries. I invite whatever abstract and limited knowledge about neurochemistry exists within science to be mated with all of the very useful practical understandings exemplified by Millan to craft a genuine understanding and recommendation for dog raising and rehabilitation. YOU insist that only the abstract knowledge set to which you subscribe be considered valid in the discussion because you "Believe in science." - which seem your child-like temper tantrum to "Only use my words!!!" The person here who is the coward and chicken is you, clearly, because you will not have the discussion in a way the even acknowledges the POSSIBILITY that practical knowledge gained outside of scientific study could be valuable if not crucial  - what you desire more than anything is to see yourself as occupying some elite intellectual position that, although such self-regard amongst arrogant asstards does exist, very poorly maps to reality as experienced by actual dog trainers like my sister in their everyday business. 

My sister has described to me the methods and people who use brutal punishment-based techniques and is just as critical of them as you are. Cesar is not one of those people, and it's not entirely clear to me whether your arrogance blinds you to the very real and unique understandings that someone like Cesar brings to the subject, knowledge that could be studied and refined by science and described more precisely for bothered souls like you, or whether you are aware of its value and are being deliberately dense simply to argue about something. Your dismissal of the value of such knowledge is your typical arrogance play, looking down your nose at people you could teach and learn things from because it makes you feel good. I think it's gross, and if my disgust reaction makes me like Donald Trump then I'm out to find some of those delicious steaks I heard the dude sells.. 

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daftcunt's picture
Discord userfront page

"My sister has all of the necessary qualifications to run her business." How is that statement incorrect?"

It is not incorrect, saying it, when in fact the requirements are "NONE" is (like calling oneself a "dog psychologist") simply being an arrogant, pompous, self important twat.

Again you divert to (at the moment) irrelevant topics (dolphins - the "dominance teory" also was derived by observation of animals -wolves- and has long since been debunked, AND  we still don't know what your opinion is on that, because being the coward you are you can't make a statement) when you actually could contribute to the conversation.

But being a COWARD you can't. 

It is irrelevant at this point in time what your sister does and what I do ALSO how we do it and what our intentions are. We must DEFINE A COMMON LANGUAGE. 

​But your fear, insecurity and pettiness  does not allow for this to happen. You keep your mind closed and expect everybody to be your enemy, when in fact I am not.

Why are you so afraid of learning something new?


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skeptoid's picture

You're still doing it - only a coward would attempt to constrain a debate to his own subjective terminology. I have commented on wolves and many other aspects and you have, like a coward, refused to read those comments because of your requirement that we use your limited vocabulary. You have not provided any indication that you even engage in dog training as a business in any meaningful way - frankly I think you're a fraud. The reason I think this is because when I told you what I do for a living you immediately projected your own thought processes onto it: "You are just posturing."

I think it's you who are posturing, and I've decided that in the absence of any actual evidence you are not a dog trainer at all but a fraudulent blowhard too chicken to even prove he knows the business. Prove me wrong, chicken: I've posted video of my sister's business, her doing her job, written communications to her clients, and responded in depth to your concerns and what I see as your deliberate ignorance regarding the matters you raise. You have refused to engage in the discussion, and have displayed increasingly triggered beligerence as you've struggled to respond. I think you're a fraud, a very small person, and that you know next to nothing about dog raising and training. Prove me wrong, coward. 

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daftcunt's picture
Discord userfront page

"I have commented on wolves ..."

Really, what did you say "on wolves"? Was it concerning the dominance theory, which would be relevant to our "conversation"? I guess not.


The terminology is not "mine", it is the one EVERYBODY uses, including your idol peterson, when it comes to learning. Also not only for dogs but when referring all mammals the terminology is applicable.

It is not limiting but defining! We can add "your" terms too, if they are not already covered by existing terminology, like the "coto".

You can try to provoke me as long as you like, it won't work I would need an "opponent" I actually respect to do this, like your sister for example but I am pretty certain she will not go as low as you. I am also pretty certain she would not deny agreement on a few principles like positive, negative, reward and punishment, or give us her opinion on the dominance theory.

You have not responded in any way to the few questions I asked you, you always avoid and divert, then you try and fail to attack. I told you various times I would come back to what you said in further detail once we get the vocabulary sorted. But you insist to reply in a babble of "klingon and english" when only english is required.

So keep on running like a 


or MAN THE FUCK UP! I guess anybody following this conversation will know what it is going to be....




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Fullauto223cal's picture

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