Didn't see that one coming at all... not at all.
Two white men ,in Chicago, attacking a homosexual African American, while yelling "This is MAGA Country" and several racial and offensive slurs.
And orchestrated? Who would have thought? Who could imagine something like that?
Something like this...
In Chicago?
Luckily this was just a one-time thing, under extraordinary circumstances, surely it will not happen again, for I have no memory of similar situations like this taking place and therefore no reason to expect it happening again.
It's not like keeping the bleach and the noose was somehow going to be used to frame some innocent white man somewhere down the line.
No one was hurt so there's no reason to continue the coverage of this story.
Just a bad apple situation, which the republicans will never shut up about.
At this point, what difference does it make?
(Old Spike)
Actually, the real culprit already confessed.
(Old Spike)
Hey I remember reading that post on reddit.
It's one for the history books.
(Old Spike)
This news cycle is weak. He's not even hurt.
(Long Spike)
LOLOLOL Actor doing what actors do.
(Long Spike)
hes black...anybody suprized?
(Short Spike)
At your racism No....rightwinger Atheist intellectual ( no need god for morals) idiots usally are Look at profit Bill Maher
(Long Spike)
by ur logic im a also a murderer, except i never killed anybody XD
(Long Spike)
It's funny cuz you're so stupid profit Allah Mohammed Bill Maher racist moral-less (more or less?!?) Jim bruer onion soup fanatical twilight fan!
*stalin body wash*
(Long Spike)
Relax people. It's a two-bit actor caught working a race scam. It's been blown way out of proportion by everyone. The media coverage from every side has been and is ridiculous.
Here, have some fat young swaying tits:
(Old Spike)
And now some without the unecessary pieces of cloth please!
(Old Spike)
Now this "breaking news" was reported by CNN, right? So it's fake news, correct?
(Old Spike)
Do you need Tim Pool to explain to you what fake news is again?
(Old Spike)
Naw, I trust the only competent person for fake news detection, the smpotus.