A teabagger walked into a Elizabeth Warren townhall looking for trouble, but this event being full of mostly progressives/liberals he didn't find any. But him calling Mrs. Warren a "Socialist whore" shows you baleful, backwards, and classless lack of intellect in in the right-wing.
(1 vote)
(Long Spike)
Didn't destroy shit. Just didn't feed the troll.
(Old Spike)
Look at all those lily white people in the bleachers. Watching Warren's old white ass get destroyed by the radical internationalist wing of the DNC is going to be hilarious. And then to see all her fans stay home and hand the election to Trump will be even more hilarious.
(Old Spike)
I don't think she's got a chance at being the nominee. It's probably going to be Biden.
(Old Spike)
Same outcome. The radical wing of the DNC are like rabid dogs now. Nothing less than a black, female, transgender, lesbian, midget, Communist will suffice to satisfy their intersectional obsession. What they won't settle for is another old white woman and sure as fuck not a old white man. The left is so racist now that they look at Biden and Trump and see the exact same thing, an old white man. At least Bernie Sanders was able to overcome this slightly by promising everyone tons of free shit under his new Communist administration.
Democrats are fond of accusing Trump of "dog whistling" to racist. In reality, the Democrats were the ones embracing racial politics to anger minorities, who they give ZERO fucks about, into voting for them. Now the the Democrats have a problem with racist who hate whites and anti-semites like that bitch that was just elected. Hate does have a home and it's with the Democrat Party. The big wigs think they can use racist to gain power, but they're just going to end up being eaten by them.
(Old Spike)
That's what the kids want, but there's still large swaths of regular, working class voters that aren't super thrilled with Trump and would prefer a more moderate candidate that appeals to their interests. Biden can tap into this group and take back key states that helped Trump win last time, like Wisconsin and Michigan. He's much more dangerous than the wacky Green Deal, 70% tax rate Democrats everyone loves to talk about, and I think ultimately, the party is going to champion whoever will get them their power back. That's all they really care about, not racism or the environment or any of the other bullshit they grandstand about.