Social Media outing Charlottesville Marchers


sal9000's picture
front pageTantrums and Tiaras

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daftcunt's picture
Discord userfront page

How dumb are thes neo-nazis? trying google to host their shit? waaaahahahahahaha!

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BabyDuckling's picture

The nazis denied by google and go-daddy found a new host,  in Russia.

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puttefnask's picture

They have the law on their side.

They had a permit, given by the authorities.

Counter-protestors attacked them.

Calling for violence is a crime.

Making death threats is a crime.

Using social media to persecute people is a crime.

That being said, driving a car into a crowd is also a very serious crime(Murder, terrorism, etc). But that does not mean all neo-nazis at those protests were complicit in it.

What both sides need is some serious education, therapy and anger management. It will never be solved by trying to wipe out eachother in deadly street battles.

None of them, whether you hate the nazis or the anarchists, none of them will disappear through death or violence. Killing leads to revenge. Violence begets violence.

We can go back to the time they were seriously discussing whether if it was okay to punch a nazi on television. Of course it's not okay! You can make fun of a nazi. You can debate them in public. You can argue why they are wrong, and you know what?

They might just get it one day. Realize their stupidity. Fall at your knees asking for your forgiveness. Devote their lives to changing other racists, just like they were. Many have.

But if you use violence to perpetuate an ideology you yourself do not understand, you will never teach them anything and it will only get worse.

The violence and excitement you experience at those protests makes whatever idiotic cause you think you believe in, seem so much more real.

You will remain biased forever going about it that way.


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Grothesk's picture

I believe your post inspired me to finally come out and say the controversial belief I've been harboring in the darkest part of my soul for so long: I am very biased against fascist race war-mongerers.  

I know, I know.  That was very controversial of me and I should probably go wipe my presence clean off of social media before I'm ousted for thinking something so dastardly.  I'm hoping that no one will find out my grandfather fought in WWII against Nazis because someone might then suspect that *I* also am willing to fight Nazis.  My family history has a heavy burden upon its back.

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