Facebook Deboosting | Project Veritas


daftcunt's picture
Discord userfront page

Well on the one hand people want facebook to protect people from content, on the other people complain that live feeds of certain individuals are obstructed. 


There is no middle ground here. either you live with free speech or with the restrictions.


And come on, crowder as the right wing fake news source number one is of course monitored. 

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sato's picture

agree, though protecting people from content doesn't mean that content needs to be censored. they're not so stupid that they've just never thought of having any opt in or out options, any categorization, which means they're using complete censorship as the means to achieve their goal - while falsely claiming that their actual goal is to protect people - on purpose.

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daftcunt's picture
Discord userfront page

Yeah, especially the far (alt) right wingers claim that this or the other shit is "falsely protected", i.e. with an agenda. 


TBH I don't really care. I use fb mainly to help get dogs adopted from pounds and I do a little advertising. 

I don't post politically "explosive" or extremist stuff and I DON'T GET SUSPENDED FOR POSTING A MEME. 


If you post political or abusive shit on fb and get blocked or restricted it may be better to use other platforms that actually support your political views, like breitbart and whatever the leftist equivalent may be.



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skeptoid's picture

All of social media is poison. Except SpikedNation.

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danmanjones's picture

SpikedNation is a Russian pysop. There are some real people who use it but most of the users are just advanced AI.

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skeptoid's picture

There is one person here who I suspect may be paid to post content. Who pays them? I dunno.

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danmanjones's picture

Does this user have a name?

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daftcunt's picture
Discord userfront page

Well fb was created as a nicey nicey platform but sometimes deteriorates into people having to apologise for voicing an opposing opinion, the real problem, as always are the extremists.

I personally don't like to silence them because it is always better if you know what the far left, far right or religious extremeists think (only yesterday an islamist was arrested afte his facebook posts). If you simply delete them you have nothing.


Complaining that facebook bans or suspends people is dumb (almost as dumb as posting insulting "memes" on it in the first place), though, as fb owns the profiles and contents.  Using it for strong politic opinions is outright borderline retarded unless it is a political party. The worst "trolling" I do is mocking the brexiters


I share very little personal information on facebook, a few fotos, info where I am from and what I do I included my phone number because of business, though, OTOH I don't even have pictures of my 911 on there for a good reason. 

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skeptoid's picture


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daftcunt's picture
Discord userfront page

Porsche 911. What did you think?

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