Sun, 2019-03-10 20:14 — Nakey This Smartphone lasts 50 DAYS without Charging. Video of This Smartphone lasts 50 DAYS without Charging. shit's bigger than my old 1610. 4.333335 Average: 4.3 (3 votes)
(Short Spike)
(Old Spike)
You mean 6110?
My first phone was the 2110, now that was a brick, especially with the big battery.
(Site Administrator)
that's what every one says to which i reply "nope, 16, 10"
(Old Spike)
Did not know that this even existed. But at the time I was given the phone by my company and had no interest in owning one myself.
The first "private" phone was the 7110 we bought for my missus (actually we got it "free" with a vodafone contract).