Carroll County Shooting Sports Park
Huntingdon, Tennessee
Carroll County is located halfway between Memphis and Nashville in the heart of West Tennessee’s rich agriculture and hunting region. The county is home to strong high school and middle school sports shooting programs and a collegiate level program at Bethel University. County government leaders saw the potential to build a first class shooting sports park to support these programs, create new opportunities for sports shooting competitions and also host corporate events for outdoor recreation enthusiasts.
(7 votes)
(Short Spike)
(Old Spike)
Interesting tidbit about hollow points. Do they help reduce damage from ricochets?
(Old Spike)
Obviously I'm no expert, but according to Massad Ayoob (an actual expert) "While any bullet can ricochet on an extremely acute angle, the supposedly “more humane” round nose non-expanding bullet is MUCH more likely to do so. It’s as if the damn thing was DESIGNED to ricochet.
The hollow point bullet, by contrast, has a nose that is literally shaped like a cookie-cutter. It is MUCH more likely to bite into the hard surface it strikes, and either bury itself there, or shatter into small, less harmful fragments, or tumble and quickly decelerate, decreasing its power to cause injury."
(Site Moderator)
Isn't the hollow point deadlier?
It expands and creates a bigger cavity and possibly breaks up to do more damage. It safer for bystander in that it doesn't over penetrate.
(Old Spike)
Yes. I would agree.
(Old Spike)
nice shootin tex..
(Old Spike)
(Short Spike)
Love the enthusiasm! Not a gun guy myself but always appreciate watching someone who’s passionate about heir hobby! Also love original content. I’ve been working on some stuff lately that I might consider sharing soon. Cool video tho 5/5
(Old Spike)
Thanks man.