DoJ still pushing the BS narrative that Russia broke laws with facebook memes & downloaded Podesta's emails. It's utter nonsense - the email allegation is unproven & the vast majority of memes out of the IRA had nothing to do with the election. Iraq WMD-level horse shit.
Some key take-aways:
1. No evidence of any Americans conspiring with any Russians in the BS laid out above
2. Trump/WH didn't obstruct the investigation
3. Mueller redacted some of the report, Trump/WH redacted none of it
>> View the Mueller Report (PDF)
(4 votes)
(Old Spike)
(Old Spike)
(Old Spike)
PDF 40: Mueller on theft of DNC emails, later released by Wikileaks. GRU officers "appear to have stolen thousands of emails and attachments"
- why "appear"? Why not just the GRU stole"?.
(analysis courtesy of Aaron Mate)
(Old Spike)
I honestly don't care how the emails were obtained. The emails proved that the DNC was currupt and rigging the primary for a pre-ordained winner, that being Hillary Clinton. If I was a Democrat I would see this focus on HOW THE EMAILS WERE STOLEN as nothing more than a red herring meant to distract me from the import matter of party curruption.
Just imagine if a trove of emails had been obtained that proved Mitt Romney cheated in order to win the 2012 primary against Ron Paul. I wouldn't have given two shit how the emails got out, I'd be calling for Mitt Romney and he cronies to be prosecuted.
(Old Spike)
Allowing the "Russia hacked the election" myth to continue is unhealthy for your democracy by allowing the Democrat elites to score a major coup in shifting the blame away from themselves for their failure in 2016. It also allows the security establishment in the US & allied countries to spread Orwellian disinformation & censorship in the name of countering Russian disinformation & hacking. And it fucks our relations with Russia.
(Long Spike)
LOLOLOL Trumptards in a circle jerk like the redacted report didn't show their dear leader to be a liar and a scumbag-trying to influence the probe was only foiled by his staff not following his orders and a LOT more. What a fucked up bunch of people you are. A lifelong pathological liar, con man, scam artist, and draft dodger is your hero. You are real Americans. Give it a rest kids, it will all come out eventually and Trump doesn't look good unless you are a brainwashed member of his cult or just plain retarded. Hit the music.
(Old Spike)
trying to influence the probe was only foiled by his staff not following his orders
Is that the latest anti-Trump spin? Pretty weak man. Why not talk about something that's true like his support for war crimes in Yemen by vetoeing that bill the other day? The list of Trump's failings is huge. This Russiagate nonsense was a stitch-up from the start.
Tulsi Gabbard straight up called him a whore of the Saudis the other day. Because he is. But the Saudis get Israel's sloppy seconds. Step up your game bro.
(Long Spike)
trying to influence the probe was only foiled by his staff not following his orders
Hey, M-O-R-O-N, that's exactly what it says in the redacted report. Crazy, huh? Step up your IQ. Bro.
Trump directed others to influence or curtail the Russia investigation after the special counsel's appointment in May 2017.Those efforts "were mostly unsuccessful, but that is largely because the persons who surrounded the President declined to carry out orders or accede to his requests," Mueller wrote.
(Old Spike)
So you're going all-in on this road to nowhere. Are you still pretending Trump is magically going to get impeached or ....?
(Long Spike)
Are you off your meds? I just rebutted an obviously bogus and idiotic comment you made when you made a completely false statement. I've never EVER said that Trump was going to be impeached. That was never going to happen. You are either off your meds or in the midst of serious mental complications. Talk to somebody or get back on your meds because you could descend into an even deeper hole.
(Old Spike)
Why don't you just go back to using your other account, Eh? LOL We get that you don't like Donald Trump. The report shows a rube President clumsily stumbling around trying to derail what everyone knew was a bullshit investigation because it was designed for the sole purpose of harming him politically. People around him made choices to protect him from himself. He should thank them profusely but as a narcissist that's unlikely. Just because a new kind of animal occupies the white house is no reason to destroy your fucking country. If you want a human being to hold office you have the obvious candidate staring you in the face as you read this. Cue the music.
(Long Spike)
"Why don't you just go back to using your other account" WTF? Off your meds as well I see. Great crowd of dipshits on here.
(Old Spike)
When you pretend that you aren't the same person who used to post under the account name "Eh" it is us veterans who wonder whether you are taking the necessary meds (it's mostly placebo, btw). You are Eh. You won't be banned for admitting it.
Either that or you are someone new who has taken over the same job Eh had, which is kind of weirder. In any case if this is just a job I hope you are draining shitloads of cash from whoever was convinced this site is in any way influential.
(Old Spike)
Eh would never have agreed to disagree as Monkey did in another thread & everything was about Putin with him. Monkey just hates Trump.
(Old Spike)
This was you...
(Long Spike)
LOLOLOL Seriously? You are posting your dear leader's posts? That is truly pathetic.
(Old Spike)
It's no different than the Orange Man Bad bullshit you post, so what are you so mad about? Are you afraid it's actually effective?
(Long Spike)
Yeah, it's effective.
(Old Spike)
What a beautiful Thursday morning this was.
(Old Spike)